Teller Report

Driving test: you can use the rear view camera and the car will never get you on a ramp

9/14/2019, 11:41:08 AM

Starting on Monday, the driving test will be easier for students since they have learned with a vehicle that has driving assistance systems (ADAS)

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Starting on Monday, the driving test will be easier for students because if they have learned with a vehicle that has driving assistance systems (ADAS), they can use them during the test.

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has decided to adapt to the new technologies introduced by vehicles, some of them more than a decade ago, and allow them to learn. Although the DGT says that these systems "have been incorporated, both as standard and optionally, progressively; initially in high-end vehicles since 2012 to subsequently expand to mid-range vehicles, since 2015 -2016 ".

"Currently they are already offered in most of the categories, but by 2022, many of these systems will be mandatory on all serial vehicles registered in the European Union."

These are the ADAS systems that can incorporate driving school cars (and use students) as of this Monday:

Start-Stop, It is the car's starting system that turns off the engine when it is idling and turns it on again when the clutch is depressed.

Slope exit support system . Known as Hill Holder. This device has a sensor that detects the angle of inclination in which the car is, preventing the car from going backwards when lifting the brake foot. With this system and the previous one, it is practically impossible for the car to ever heat up, one of the students' main fears when examined.

Automatic activation of lighting and windshield wipers . Both systems are activated when a sensor detects a decrease in visibility or presence of significant rainfall. One less worry if the test is done with rain or if you enter a tunnel.

AEB, Urban and interurban emergency braking . In the event of a driver's failure and risk of collision due to range, the system is capable of detecting an imminent danger and acting in two ways: warning the driver and in case the driver ignores the warning, the AEB system will take the Vehicle control to stop it and perform emergency braking. This system may be used in practices but not in the exam .

ATCM Cross Traffic Alert : The system monitors rear traffic crosswise when backing out of a battery-powered parking egg. If a vehicle is approaching, a sound and / or visual warning will be issued. This system may be used in practice but not in the exam.

Reversing camera, 360º camera and / or parking sensors These systems should not be confused with the total parking aid system, which is not allowed. This supposes the goodbye of the parking "to the touch". This system can be used in the exam.

Fatigue detection system that alerts the driver in situations where he loses concentration at the wheel, either due to fatigue or sleep, to avoid accidents.

EBD Emergency braking warning : helps drivers detect when the vehicle ahead is performing emergency braking. This system may be used in practice but not in the exam.

Adaptive speed control : system by which the vehicle is not only capable of driving at the speed we indicate but also slows if the vehicle that precedes us, and accelerates again to the speed indicated when possible. This system may be used in practice but not in the exam.

Lane change alert: It is a system whereby the car warns the driver not to execute a lane change maneuver (to overtake by highway, for example) because a vehicle comes along the lane to which it will be incorporated. This system may be used in practice but not in the exam.

As with all practical exams, examiners can now request the applicant in the pre-exam checks to locate any of these systems.

In short, the two most important permitted systems are: the 360 ​​degree rear view camera and the slope start aid system . With the first one it is practically impossible to fail when parking. With the second, as we have said (and together with Start & Stop), the car will not stall.

However, the future driver must remain alert at all times and properly use the roundabouts, carry the appropriate speed and properly interpret the traffic signs.

Logical measure of the DGT to adapt to the new times, given that these systems are introduced to improve the safety of drivers and avoid as many accidents as possible.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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