Teller Report

Domestic dust mites make you allergic

9/14/2019, 5:53:08 PM

Domestic dust mites live in bedrooms, causing allergies, neurodermatitis and hay fever. Allergies can be treated with medications, and mites can be fought with some hygiene measures.

The head of the European Foundation for Allergy Research, German professor Torsten Zuberber, explained that household dust mites breed in a warm and humid environment, so the bedroom is an ideal environment for breeding, noting that mites feed on hair and skin peels.

Professor Thomas Fuchs, vice president of the German Association of Allergy Physicians, explained that the symptoms of household dust mite allergy are:

Redness and swelling of the skin

Repeated sneezing.

3 - colds.

4 - stuffy nose.

5- Eye itching.

He noted that these symptoms appear in the morning in particular.

Household dust mites may also cause neurodermatitis, or allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, he said.

The bedroom should be ventilated two to three times a day (Pixabee)

Methods of treatment
In turn, German dermatologist Stefan Miller pointed out that medical examinations if proven to be allergic to domestic dust mites, the patient undergoes treatment with anti-allergic drugs in the form of tablets or points, and inhibitors of inflammatory capsaicin containing corticosteroids.

Immunotherapy can also be used to remove long-term sensitization, where the patient is injected with allergens regularly over a period of 3 to 5 years, to increase the body's immunity against it. This treatment is effective but requires patience.

Hygiene measures
Besides drug therapy, some measures should also be taken to combat domestic dust mites, such as cleaning the bed and pillows every morning and changing upholstery once a week, with washing up soiled upholstery at a temperature of at least sixty degrees Celsius.

The bedroom should also be ventilated at a rate of two to three times a day, with the possibility of using anti-allergic covers to cover upholstery, as well as the use of a dehumidifier to reduce humidity in the room.

It is also important to use short-bristled rugs, which can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner for allergy patients, better than long-bristled rugs.

Ideal for the bedroom floor to be smooth, taking into account daily wiping to eliminate dust mite waste, cloth curtains and upholstered furniture should also be regularly cleaned with anti-mite spray.

Cloth dolls that reproduce dust mites should also be cleaned by placing them in a plastic bag in the freezer to eliminate mites. Plants in the bedroom are also prohibited.