Teller Report

Debt and overpayment: the Pension Fund named the reasons for reducing pensions

9/14/2019, 7:53:08 PM

The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) described in what cases pensions can be reduced. So, if the recipient has fines or other debts, by decision of the court they will withhold 50–70% of his monthly payments. Also, 20% will be deducted from the pension if the citizen received a benefit higher than his due (for example, he did not notify the FIU about his status change). In addition, the amount may change if you move to a region where a different coefficient is used that is used in calculating payments.

Since pensions are legally related to a citizen’s income, some of them can withhold part of the funds by a court decision. This was told to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

So, if a pensioner owes a debt due to his fault - for example, due to fines or a rent not paid on time - funds can be deducted from his pension by a court decision.

In this case, the pensioner receives a notification, explained in the FIU.

“When deducting from a pension under executive documents, a citizen must retain 50% of the pension amount. But if unpaid child support for minors is collected, the amounts that are assigned by the courts for various crimes, then the amount of deductions can reach 70%, ”the publication said.

Also, government bodies can take part of the pension in the event that at some point an overpayment occurs. In this case, it will be withheld monthly, not more than 20% of the pension.

Overpayment situations arise, for example, when a person loses the right to receive it, but does not notify the relevant departments about it. So, if the able-bodied beneficiary of the loss of the breadwinner finishes his studies, he must contact the FIU himself and notify him.

However, in the event that a person does not have time to do this, he can later fill out an application for voluntary repayment of debt - otherwise the funds will be written off in court.

There is another way that can affect the size of the pension - moving to another region. Different coefficients apply depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

The highest ratios are in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Yakutia (in some areas), parts of the Sakhalin Oblast and on the islands of the Arctic Ocean except for the islands of the White Sea and Dikson.

  • RIA News
  • © Alexey Sukhorukov

Raising pensions

Recall that on Friday, September 13, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that the average pension in 2020 will increase to 15 thousand rubles. An old-age pension, according to her, will be about 16.4 thousand. At the same time, according to forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2019 inflation will be 3.8%. According to Golikova, payments for disabled people and veterans will grow to the same value.

At the moment, the average pension in Russia is 14 150 rubles, and it is 1.4% higher than a year earlier.

“I remind you that this year insurance pensions were indexed by 7.05%, which exceeded the inflation rate in 2018. This approach will continue to be applied, ”she said.

According to the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, citing an explanatory note to the PFR budget, a significant increase in pensions is also planned in 2021 and 2022.

So, in 2021, the insurance pension, which is paid to unemployed citizens by old age, will increase by 6.9%, and in 2022 by 5.9%. Social, whose recipients are disabled citizens who cannot receive insurance, will grow by 2.6% and 3.1%, respectively.

Reform of the funded part

The pension system in Russia provides for the division of payments into two parts. In addition to the insurance part, there is also a funded part, which is accumulated in the account and can generate income in the future.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance developed a new system of voluntary pension savings. A document with the working title “On a Guaranteed Pension Product” has already been sent to the Ministry of Labor.

“The main goal of this bill is to create a state system to guarantee the safety of voluntary pension savings of citizens, to create incentives both for the independent formation of such savings by employees, and for the development of corporate pension programs,” RIA Novosti quotes the message of the Ministry of Finance.

According to the document, joining the new system is exclusively voluntary. For business, tax benefits will be provided, and for citizens corresponding payments. The central bank supported this system.

“This system is more aimed at improving the existing system of guaranteed voluntary product, this is a big advance, those achievements that were when discussing individual pension capital, so I fully support here,” said the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina.