Teller Report

8 dead and 29 injured: what is known about an accident with a bus near Yaroslavl

9/14/2019, 7:08:19 PM

In the Yaroslavl region, a truck collided with a passenger bus. Eight people were killed, including both drivers, at least 29 injured. According to preliminary data, the accident occurred through the fault of a truck driver who drove into the oncoming lane. Two criminal cases were instituted upon the fact of the incident.

As a result of a major accident involving a bus near Yaroslavl, eight people died, 29 received injuries of varying severity. One of the victims is a minor. According to the Yaroslavl portal "", this is a seven-year-old child.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region, the accident occurred at about 11:00 on the Yaroslavl-Ivanovo highway in the Gavrilov-Yamsky district of the Yaroslavl region near the village of Zayachiy Kholm. On the road, a truck and a PAZ bus collided head-on. The collision resulted in a bus. Both drivers died on the spot. The bus carried 35 passengers, only the driver was in the truck.

As the traffic police told Interfax, according to preliminary data, the accident occurred due to the fault of the truck driver, who drove into the oncoming lane.

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The press service of the Ministry of Health reported that assistance to the victims is under the control of the department.

“At the moment, we are not talking about the evacuation of victims to federal medical institutions, the regional ministry of health is coping on its own. The federal agency continues to monitor the situation, ”the doctors said.

At the same time, immediately after the accident, the governor of the Yaroslavl region Dmitry Mironov said that if necessary, the victims would be delivered to Moscow with the help of sanitation.

“Now it is very important to maximize the use of the“ golden hour ”when you can help the victims. If necessary, we will resort to sanitation services to evacuate injured people to Moscow. According to my order, an operational headquarters was deployed at the scene of the incident and in the Solovyov hospital in Yaroslavl. We’ll do everything necessary to help people, ”the press service of the regional government quoted Mironov as saying.

According to him, five people who are now in the regional and Solovyov hospitals suffered the most.

“I am sure that our doctors will be able to stabilize the condition of each patient. For our part, we will provide all the necessary assistance so that the victims can cope with this situation as painlessly as possible, ”the governor added.

By order of Dmitry Mironov, 100 thousand rubles will be paid to victims of the accident, 1 million rubles to the relatives of the victims.

According to regional authorities, nine ambulance crews worked at the scene of the accident, including from the central district hospital of the city of Gavrilov-Yam.

The governor of the Yaroslavl region expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims. His condolences also brought Patriarch Cyril. According to the chairman of the Synodal department for the relationship of the Church with society and the media, Vladimir Legoyda, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church "mourns the victims of this tragedy and prays for the repose of the souls of the deceased and the speedy recovery of the victims." The Yaroslavl Metropolis, for its part, said that "it provides all possible assistance to those affected by this grief."

Eyewitness accounts

One of the passengers of the bus that had an accident near Yaroslavl, Sergey Kovalev said that the bus driver did not overtake anyone and “did not wag”. According to Sergei, after a collision, he himself flew through the rear window of the bus onto the road.

“The whole face was broken in the truck. And the driver was lying in a pool of blood. There were a lot of people screaming on the bus. Many lay on the ground. It was hard for some to get out, ”REN TV quoted Kovalev as saying.

At the same time, Kovalev helped three people to get out of the bus before the ambulance arrived.

Another passenger of the bus Dmitry Shitkin told the portal “” that he and his friend were not badly injured, because they were sitting in the middle of the cabin.

“Someone screamed in pain, someone managed to get out right away. Fortunately, passing cars helped us evacuate people, ”explained Shitkin.

The Yaroslavl portal also reports that the mother of the injured child fainted, but doctors quickly brought her to her senses. The child was sent for examination, and then for surgery.


Investigators and criminologists arrived at the scene of the tragedy to conduct an audit. In fact of the accident, two criminal cases were instituted. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will investigate a violation of the rules of the road, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence. The Investigative Committee has opened a case for the provision of services that do not meet security requirements.

The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bystrykin, put the investigation under his control.

“On behalf of the chairman of the IC of Russia, the further investigation of the criminal case of an accident with a passenger bus, as a result of which people died and suffered near Yaroslavl today, will be carried out under the control of the central apparatus of the IC of Russia,” said Svetlana Petrenko, representative of the IC of the Russian Federation.

The deputy head of the Russian State traffic inspectorate Nikolai Sheyukhin arrived at the scene. During a meeting with the leadership of the traffic police in the Yaroslavl region, he considered the preliminary causes and circumstances of the accident.

Rostransnadzor, for its part, will also consider all the circumstances of the case. Based on the results, a decision will be made on the need to verify the carrier.

At the same time, the director of the Yaroslavl Motor Transport Enterprise, Alexander Zakharov, already told TASS that the bus that had collided with the truck passed all the necessary measures before the flight.

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