Teller Report

They participated in the marches of return .. The Israeli army wounded 55 Palestinians east of the Gaza Strip

9/13/2019, 9:38:07 PM

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that 55 Palestinians were injured on Friday evening in an attack by the Israeli army on the weekly return marches in the eastern Gaza Strip.

The ministry said in a brief statement that 29 Palestinians were wounded by live bullets, the rest by rubber-coated metal bullets, in addition to cases of suffocation.

Thousands of Palestinians arrived on Friday at about five points near the security fence, which Israel is building near the border of the Gaza Strip, to participate in the marches of return and break the siege.

The protests took place today under the slogan "Let Oslo be removed from our history" to coincide with the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo peace agreement between the PLO and Israel.

In a final statement, the Supreme Committee for the Marches of Return called for "the cancellation of the Oslo Accord from our history and the beginning of serious national steps to restore the national project on the basis of all forms of struggle, especially the armed struggle and uphold our right to return to Palestine and withdraw recognition" of Israel.

She urged the Commission to participate in the activities of next Friday No. 75 under the slogan "Friday camps in Lebanon," in memory of the "massacre of Sabra and Shatila" against Palestinian refugees.

For his part, said member of the political bureau of Hamas Khalil al-Hayya that the rallies today is a message of national unity.

"Today's marches are the cry of the Palestinian people, which must be united in memory of the Oslo Accords, which tore our people apart and gave the occupation all the elements of existence, continuity and normalization in the region," Hayya told the Anatolia news agency.

"It is time to reach a unity based on partnership, isolate this entity (Israel) and mobilize all energies from the nation, capable of supporting the Palestinian people in the face of the occupation, supporting the people of Jerusalem and supporting our prisoners in prisons."

The leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Maher Mezher, said that the message of the masses participating in the marches says: "Let (Oslo) the agreement, which represented our people only more loss of rights and catastrophe, and settlement and Judaization and desecration of sacred sites .. Oslo, which brought to the Palestinians only shame and shame." .

Since March 2018, Palestinians have been participating in return marches to demand the return of refugees to their towns and villages, and to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army violently repressed these peaceful marches, killing dozens of Palestinians and injuring thousands of others.