Teller Report

Retreats: Mélenchon judges "absurd" the idea of ​​working longer

9/13/2019, 7:59:07 PM

Retreats: Mélenchon judges "absurd" the idea of ​​working longer

Paris (AFP)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Friday ruled "absurd" the idea of ​​working longer because of the lengthening of the life and felt that the government's desire to end the special pension schemes was to "excite the jealousy of against each other ".

"Since we apply the absurd rule: we must work longer because we live longer, the opposite happens," said the leader of France insubordinate on BFMTV the evening of a day of social protest.

"The day we began to want to make people work more, the result is in the statistics: since 2014 for the first time in decades, life expectancy remains stable (...) and the life expectancy in good health is deteriorating, "he insisted.

The strike of RATP staff was widely followed Friday to protest the pension reform and the disappearance of special schemes with the implementation of the universal pension system points.

"Why there are special diets, because there were special conditions, because there was a social history, sometimes we said 'oh no guys, we can not increase will ruin the box, but you will be able to retire earlier. "All these compromises are the story of the class struggle in our country, we do not scratch it like that with a stroke of the pen," commented Mr. Mélenchon.

"I say bravo" to the "guys of the RATP" who "retire at age 55", adding: "I find it normal that in some trades, we leave before. You get on the plane if there is a pilot who at 66 years old? (No) you're like me, you go up to the next one. "

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