Teller Report

Record loss for Swedes

9/13/2019, 5:38:07 PM

The Solheim Cup justifies the name today at Gleneagles where the sun radiated from a clear blue sky. But for the Swedish ladies it was cloudy. Big loss in the best ball against Angel Yin and Ally McDonald with 7 & 5. - We didn't get into anything today, says a disappointed Anna Nordqvist to SVT Sport about the defeat that is actually a tangled bottom record in the best balls in the Solheim Cup.

The position right now: Europe 3.5 - USA 2.5

Only once before has a best ball been settled already on the 13th hole. It was 1998 when Lisa Hackney and Sophie Gustafson lost with the same numbers against Pat Hurst / Rosie Jones. No flattering record to have in the CV for the Swedes.

- We did not make any birdies and that did the Americans good, then it will be like this, says a disappointed Caroline Hedwall after the big loss where the only Swedish birdie came on the 12th hole.

And already on the 13th it ended after a clean display of the Americans who rolled in birdie after birdie. At the same time, the Swedes struggled with both the distance and the direction in their response to the greens. Almost the entire lap, the US was in the driver's seat and the Swedes almost never succeeded in getting closer to stick and putting pressure on Yin and McDonald.

- I thought we beat both Anna and I, but we didn't get it, obviously it's frustrating. The Americans took advantage of every birdie opportunity they got, Hedwall tells SVT Sport.

Missed the birdie on the 2nd cost

It could have been different if Nordqvist's birdieputt went in on the 2nd. Instead of going in it became a cup spin and a miss and when McDonald from the same distance lowered his putt where the ball hesitated long before it rolled in, then a stamp was put on the match.

"Absolutely it could have been different then if it had gone in. We also had some chips that could have gone in, it was a bit of a standout today," says Nordqvist about the sad introduction where the United States took the first three holes.

- We ended up right from the start and never got any momentum to be able to break the trend, says Hedwall.

Both Anna and Carro are obviously very disappointed but still quite hopeful for the future. They both believe in games tomorrow, although it would not be particularly remarkable if Captain Ctriona Matthew places both outside games in both foursome and best ball.

- It's just to get a new grip tomorrow, it's a new match and you never know what can happen, says Nordqvist.

Europe plays well otherwise

In the shadow of the Swedes' pale efforts, the other Europeans played good golf. As things stand right now, it seems to be a tight lead for Saturday. Rookie Anne Van Dam from the Netherlands impressed a great deal in pairs with Norwegian Suzann Pettersen when they put Danielle Kang and Lizette Salas in place, 4 & 2.

- It is fun that the others play well, fun to hear a lot of roar out there on the course, says Nordqvist about the other team's performance so far.

Even in foursome

During the morning's foursomes game it was even. But in two games, his team took command a lot. The US took home the first point when sisters Korda, Jessica and Nelly easily defeated Jodie Shadoff and Caroline Masson by 6 & 4.

But the Europeans acknowledged when they won, in match number two. Georgia Hall and Celine Boutier beat World Triangle Lexi Thompson and Brittany Altomare by 2/1.

Europe took the lead with 2.5 against 1.5 in front of the best balls


Ciganda / Law – Pressel / Alex Lika

2/1 Hall / Boutier – Thompson / Altomare.

Masson / Shadoff – Korda / Korda 6 & 4

2/1 Charley Hull / Azahara Muñoz – Megan Khang / Annie Park.

Follow the game via Solheim Cups leaderboard >>>

The best balls Friday afternoon:

Pettersen / Van Dam-Kang / Salas

Nordqvist / Hedwall-McDonald / Yin 7 & 5

Hull / Munoz-chord / Altomare

Ciganda / Law-chord / Thompson

Europe needs to win at least 14.5 points to win the Solheim Cup while the US needs 14p to keep the buck.