Teller Report

Nutritionist advised to stay away from eating bananas on an empty stomach

9/13/2019, 8:02:07 AM

Nutritionist Dr Darrell Geoffer said that bananas are not an ideal breakfast option, which we often resort to because they don't need time to prepare in the morning, according to the British Mirror website. , But they quickly

Nutritionist Dr Daryl Geoffer said that bananas are not an ideal breakfast option, which we often resort to because they don't need time to prepare in the morning, according to Britain's Mirror.

Potassium-rich bananas and vitamin B6 give a quick boost of activity, but they quickly go and start feeling tired and hungry.

Bananas contain 25% sugar and moderate acids.

The nutritionist recommends pairing it with healthy fats and spices, because bananas are acidic, so we must neutralize the acid to get the benefits of potassium, fiber and magnesium, without rushing sugar.