Teller Report

Marcelino: "I have been fired for winning the Copa del Rey"

9/13/2019, 12:32:24 PM

48 hours have passed since Mateu Alemany did not want an employee to deliver a cold letter of dismissal and told him in person that his days as coach of Valencia CF h

  • Dismissal: Valencia dismisses Marcelino by order of Peter Lim
  • Analysis. 25 assistants, Rodrigo, Mendes, Rafinha and the Cup ... The keys to the Valencia crisis

It has been 48 hours since Mateu Alemany did not want an employee to deliver a cold letter of dismissal and told him in person that his days as coach of Valencia CF had ended. Marcelino García Toral does not believe it yet. He imagined a complicated season because of what he had seen since the end of June, but he clung to the words Peter Lim said to his face at his June meeting: "I trust your work."

The explanation of why he has been dismissed in a fulminating way after three official matches is very clear: he won the Copa del Rey defying the order of the club . "I am absolutely sure that the trigger for this situation was the Cup. During the season we received direct and indirect messages that we had to refuse that competition . But the fans wanted to fight and try to win it, the players wanted to fight and, most importantly, they had the conviction that they could win it. We wanted to fight and win. I have no doubt that winning the Cup, who was going to tell me, was the trigger and the reason why we are not still the technical staff of Valencia, "he said Marcellin, who escaped tears at some moments of his farewell appearance.

Why didn't Peter Lim want the Cup? "Because I considered it a minor competition that could put the Champions at risk , when we really believe that the Cup, those feelings that the team experienced after eliminating Getafe, was decisive for us to achieve the Champions League ranking," said the Spaniard.

Lim never congratulated his players or the coaching staff for the title , the first of his time at Valencia. Nor did he do it in Seville - where he lived the game with David Beckham in a private box - nor when the coach traveled to Singapore this summer. "He congratulated me on the Champions League and not on the Cup. You can understand my surprise."

It was not the first time that Marcelino received the 'order' to throw the competition. A year earlier he had received the same message and Valencia stayed in the semifinals. " Can we say that we do not compete for this, can Valencia do that? We are a coaching staff with permanent values ​​such as coherence, work and seriousness," he recalled.

Marcellin came to recognize that, despite everything that happened this summer, he could not imagine his dismissal - "[Peter Lim] told me that there was absolute confidence in our work in the face, how am I going to think that I am dismissed?" she asked. "I don't give credit because it doesn't fit into logic. I feel incredulity and helplessness, " he insisted.

If the trigger was the Cup, the symptoms that something was changing perceive them as of June 30. "Situations begin to emerge that modify the work model agreed in 2007. We ask to go to Singapore to talk to the owner and we find normal situations, some different, but I am told that there is trust," the coach recalled.

"Then, at the end of June, there is a process with the CEO and Pablo Longoria. This is not a discrepancy between the owner and the coach, but the conditions agreed with the CEO and assumed by the leaders are transformed into The model changes. But we are not told in the face . The owner was in full right. If they had told us, we could have decided if we were the right people to continue in the project, "said Marcelino, who never thought of resign because I had a responsibility "with my teammates, the staff and the fans".

That model change described the coach: "There is an initial pact when Mateu Alemany brings me to Valencia with only one condition: I would have an important and almost decisive opinion, for the decisive 'no', in the preparation of the template . For the rest , consensus. I didn't invade plots that didn't belong to me. "

And that changes this summer, with issues like Rafinha - "it was said no to the transfer because it was already thought that Marcelino's journey would be short," he said - and with the intention of selling Rodrigo not to bring a substitute.

Did you hit the property? "I am not who to give a pulse to anyone. I have not discussed the authority . It proves my relationship with Mateu Alemany with whom I have lived and built this winning project. With discrepancies, but with dialogue, we made a competitive team that came from two season being 12 and flirting with the descent. I can neither, nor should I nor want to raise pulses to anyone. Neither above nor below. We have always tried and managed to improve the competitive level of the workforce. That was our only objective, help in the growth of Valencia, "he said.

Agent intervention

One of the reasons that the property environment transmits as part of the suspicion towards the technician is the alleged intervention of his agent in the hiring of players. "Who says that, lies. Since I arrived at the club on May 17, 2017, in consensus with Mateu Alemany and without me participating, Valencia will have performed 50 market operations. My agent participated in two: the arrival of Neto and the Departure as a transfer from Medrán to Alavés During these 26 months, no soccer player represented by my agent was part of the Valencia squad, two of more than 50 operations and no soccer player with three squads represented by my agent. Do you think that in all previous Valencia coaches this circumstance occurred? It is another proof of our honesty, "said Marcelino.

Bet on young values

Another reproach to the coach, verbalized in a veiled manner by President Anil Murthy in the presentation of Celades, is his lack of confidence in young players. "In two seasons in Valencia, in which we have achieved Champions League positions, five players from the quarry have debuted with Valencia. Some is true, testimonially, but others have gained relevance. Ferran Torres is in the history of Valencia the player Younger who has played 50 games, all with Marcelino as coach, Gayà was under-21, now he is an international, Carlos Soler had made his debut, but he took hold of us, and Kangin debuted and is among the players in the big leagues with more participation of minutes at his age, "he reviewed.

"Nobody imposed me to put young people. It is logical that the coach is not given that order. If they say that Kangin is the cause, it is in a bad place who uses that argument to justify my dismissal. It is inappropriate and unfair to take advantage of their situation. to generate a hostile environment against the coach. He says very little. "

Affected wardrobe

There was no direct message for Peter Lim or Anil Murthy, of whom Marcellin said he did not know "what to say." But for Alemany and his players. "Mateu is the person who has brought me to Valencia and has trusted me. I will always be grateful. The professional relationship has become a staff of absolute trust," he said.

The coach described his last visit to the locker room with a broken voice. "It has been sad, very sad on our part. It was a felt moment, very felt, with total gratitude for the messages of love but above all for what we enjoyed with them, suffered, fought, lived in times of difficulty and overcome I can only tell you that they will be in my heart until the last day of my life, "he explained through tears. "This team wants to grow and will give everything to remain in the elite, but this preseason went awry because they remember a previous convulsive stage," he said.

Marcelino confessed that he feels he leaves an "incomplete work in Valencia". "We were very excited to grow. On the day of the presentation I committed myself to the fans of Valencia to be proud of the team and to compete every game. The promise we have fulfilled and the objectives we have exceeded, " he said in a part of the statement you read. "We take the love of a great hobby that supported us since we arrived, and in times of difficulty, there were also. We are proud of them and always grateful. Also to have returned the illusion and to have placed Valencia in the place it deserves in Spain in Europe, "said the Spaniard, hurt and with open wounds. "They will heal because life does not stop. I will continue with hope, humility and honesty, which is how I feel this profession2.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Valencia CF
  • Rodrigo Moreno
  • sports
  • First division

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