Teller Report

Florian Lidoux The Voyage of the Antarctic: The Snapshot is my goal in life

9/13/2019, 10:07:42 PM

He travels in the fascinating and fearsome wilderness of the Arctic continent, and during his long expeditions, fuses his being with nature, and unites his soul with it.

He travels in the fascinating and terrifying wilderness of the Arctic continent, and during his long expeditions, he fuses his being with nature, and his spirit unites with him. And wildlife, especially in the polar regions, for which the characteristic shot is its sole purpose in life.

Details and Diary

`` I seek to portray wildlife from a new perspective that differs from traditional photography, one that allows the observation and documentation of animal behaviors from new and unprecedented angles to highlight the beauty of nature, '' said Lidoux, who is a guest at the fourth edition of the International Exposure 2019 in Sharjah. The use of technological devices, such as (Aldron) ». "Technology adds a new dimension to the art of photography, and I consider it the best way to turn nature scenes into integrated art as it offers a large space for creativity without restrictions."

«Drun» companion of his path

Ledoux says he took a picture of a polar bear jumping over water from the air with a proven drone, allowing it to roam in places where the helicopter could not reach, as well as do not disturb wild animals. Study the project well before it is carried out, to understand the issues to be documented, and know the required images, but those moments are unpredictable, and there is no magic solution or many options but spend as much time as possible in the field during the trip, and when the right moment comes, take it immediately with his portable camera Or using «Drun».

Lidox accents

"From a technical point of view, a good photographer should be able to work with his eyes closed, and that's what I do. Creatively, I use my heart to convey my feelings and my love for the environment I shoot," Ledoux said. In the charming natural wilderness of the Arctic, my being fuses with nature, and my soul unites with it. ''

"So I would like to go on long expeditions, up to a month or two. For example, the image of a polar bear did not take a long time to take a picture compared to the time I spent in that area."

Places and stations

Ledoux notes that his journey to explore and document Arctic wildlife in the Devon Islands, Pilot, Baffin, Somerset, and Lancaster Sound, during which he made a 6,000-km journey over eight weeks from West Greenland to Nunavut in northern Canada.

During his recent one-month expedition to Antarctica, he was able to capture images of ice-eating polar seals on ice, one of his most iconic shots.

The Polar Wildlife Photographer points out that there are distinct scenes that the photographer needs for long hours and sometimes days to capture. It is not possible to predict the moment of the seal break on floating ice pieces.

Crucial moments

On how he invests every moment of his journey, Lidoux explains that “he keeps his senses always vigilant and sleeps only a few hours so that he does not miss an event. This type of trip, therefore, is keen to travel with a team trusted.

Lidoux stresses that he is careful not to intrude on the lives of animals or cause its negative impact on them, and this makes him spend a long time in the field taking into account all work ethics, in order to get these natural behaviors he must not cause inconvenience or threatening animals, which makes him need For a lot of time, he also tries before each trip to study the different types he wants to depict, monitor their habits and behaviors, and approach them slowly, a long process that may sometimes take days.

He went on to say: «The image of the polar bear was not the result of one moment, the first day I saw seven polar bears and did not use the (Dron), and a week later, I encountered a bear and the weather conditions were appropriate, so I decided to launch the (Dron), and made sure not to disturb the bear, where I began to rise so high that the bear did not hear the sound of (Dron), and then began to decline gradually without frightening, and this is what happened, the bear continued his way safely and without fear, this is the behavior that should be followed by the photographer in normal situations when approaching wild animals ».

Point of view

Ledoux rejects the view that modern devices resulting from technological development, such as «Aldron», contribute to the enhancement of the potential of photography art, but it encroached on the profession of photographer, pointing out that he was the first to use photography through «Dron» a few years ago At the early stage of the advent of this sophisticated technology, he wanted to show different angles to highlight the beauty of nature, and Aldron gave him ample space for creativity without restrictions, but more importantly, this technique added a new dimension to the art of photography, which is the best way to transform Nature scenes into an integrated art.

Message and objectives

Lidoux emphasizes that he seeks to depict wildlife from a new perspective that differs from traditional photography, one that allows observation and documentation of animal behaviors from new and unprecedented angles, through which his audience learns the details of their daily life, habitat and natural environment, in a new way to discover the secrets of the northern part of our planet. Photography contributes to the protection of nature by highlighting important topics such as the preservation of nature, as well as its role in strengthening human relationship with it.