Teller Report

Death of Steve Caniço: for Laurent Nuñez, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, "the intervention was legitimate"

9/13/2019, 5:32:07 PM

Laurent Nuñez was at the microphone of Europe 1 Friday and spoke on the report of the Inspectorate General of Administration (IGA), in the context of the case of the death of Steve Caniço, the evening of the Music Festival in Nantes.

Laurent Nuñez was at the microphone of Europe 1 Friday and spoke on the report of the Inspectorate General of Administration (IGA), in the context of the case of the death of Steve Caniço, the evening of the Music Festival in Nantes.


Three months after the death of Steve Maia Caniço, the commissioner for the controversial police intervention in Nantes on the evening of the Music Festival "will be transferred" announced Friday Christophe Castaner, by revealing a report according to which the official "missed of discernment ". Laurent Nuñez, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, spoke at the microphone of Europe 1, on the report of the Inspectorate General of Administration.

He pointed out several dysfunctions: "The first dysfunction concerns the organization of the event by the city of Nantes and the prefecture of Loire-Atlantiques.There was insufficiency and an absence of security whereas the event had place on Wilson's Wharf, at the edge of a river.

He continues: "The second malfunction is very important too.The root cause of the violence comes from the people who manage the amplified music device, the sound system.The police had warned that it was necessary to cut the music at 4 o'clock 8 the sound system did it, the ninth kept the music and the projectiles were fired on the forces involved, which is the root cause of the violence, the intervention of the police was legitimate ".

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