Teller Report

After suspicion of quark: Vindeln's riding club takes over the jumping competition

9/13/2019, 6:50:13 PM

The pony jumping competition that was canceled in Umeå will go away after Vindeln's riding club stepped in and took on the task. - We do this for our children and young people, says riding school manager Petra Karström.

This weekend's competition was canceled after the suspected quark at Södra Umeå equestrian association. But now there will still be competition - in the Vindeln.

- Our children and young people have been looking forward to this so we want them to have the chance to compete, says Karström.

Problems with the registration system

Vindeln's riding club is now organizing a competition, which means that the participants must re-register. Due to the system's messaging, the notifications could not be made until 18 o'clock on Friday.

- But I have nevertheless seen 50-60 applications so far and I expect more, says Karström.

What has the communication been like with Södra Umeå equestrian association?

- We have received some help from SURF who will come with some officials and I know they will have a person in the secretariat.