Teller Report

The Special Envoy's La Poste survey shows how the reorganizations "are breaking the people on the ground", explains Elise Lucet

9/12/2019, 10:41:06 AM

The issue of France 2, "Envoyé Spécial", returns Wednesday evening with a shock survey on suicides of La Poste employees. At the microphone of Philippe Vandel, the presenter and journalist Elise Lucet unveils an unpublished investigation into a phenomenon passed over in silence. & Nbsp;

The issue of France 2, "Special Envoy", returns Wednesday night with a shock survey on suicides of employees of La Poste. At the microphone of Philippe Vandel, the presenter and journalist Elise Lucet unveils an unpublished investigation on a phenomenon passed over in silence.


This is an investigation that could make noise. Thursday evening, the journalist Élise Lucet, will present a new issue of the show Envoyé Spécial on France 2. For this second meeting of the season, the teams of France 2 have focused on the working conditions of postal workers of the public company La Poste.

The journalists explain that La Poste has experienced a wave of suicides, along with the company France Telecom, and has managed to avoid media coverage of these disappearances. A long-term investigation, that Élise Lucet came to present in "Culture Media".

>>> READ ALSO - Élise Lucet: "We can not accuse Special Envoy or Cash Investigation of populism"

Élise Lucet explains that one discovers there "testimonys of factors which saw their tour completely reorganized by an algorithm which did not know the reality of the work on the ground". The journalist who conducted this investigation for several months, Pedro Brito Da Fonseca, chose to follow factors in their daily lives to understand their working conditions.

One minute 30 to deposit a recommended

"At one point, we see a mailman in front of forty mailboxes in front of him, he has four minutes to distribute all his mail and has 1 minute 30 to file a recommendation on the fourth floor," says the reporter. "He also has to go up to the people and say hello to them, so the guys do not say hello or leave a notice in the mailboxes."

Postal workers testify, but also executives, who also reveal the hidden side of an oppressive organization for employees. "It's extremely rare, especially in a public company," she says. "These frames tell how much these reorganizations are breaking down people on the ground."

An ex-press officer testifies

Nathalie, whose name has been changed to preserve her anonymity, is one of her executives who reveal the bottom of the crisis. This former press secretary of the company explains that procedures were provided in case of suicide. "If there is a problem in a small office in the Ardèche, at 9 am, the file is on the desk of the chief." At 9:30, arguments fall on all the offices of press officers, "she tells Special Envoy teams. "It was important to save appearances so that La Poste remains a clean friendly company on it."

In this issue, we also learn that La Poste does not give official figures on the number of suicides of its employees. Élise Lucet, evokes, at the microphone of Philippe Vandel, "between 40 and 50 cases" estimated. An observation that journalists have even discovered through confidential documents.

La Poste refused an interview

The Special Envoy drafting failed to meet the leaders of La Poste. "We, what we expected, was to confront those responsible for these testimonies, these revelations and unpublished documents," she laments. "Unfortunately, they never accepted this interview."

To defend themselves, company officials say they were contacted much too late. But Élise Lucet is not convinced by this answer. "We contacted them more than two months ago, once we had collected all these documents," she says. "Two months is an important time to react."

The group also did not like the journalists filming the strikers. "They reproach us for following a strike by strikers at La Poste headquarters, but when there are factory occupations, the journalists follow the strikers, and at the legal level a journalist has the right to follow. strike action, "points out Élise Lucet, adding that her teams did not commit a break-in.