Teller Report

Sudan: 200-Day Plan for a Difficult Exam

9/12/2019, 8:08:41 PM

Muzdalifah Osman / Abdullah Mohammed-Khartoum

Sudanese have reacted differently to the 200-day plan announced by the first post-revolution government. While some described it as a correct start to tackle the country's problems, others met with compassion, arguing that the war-ravaged country for decades faces powerful and unpredictable pitfalls in years, let alone 200. day.

In its first meeting on Tuesday, the cabinet decided to implement 10 priorities in the first 200 days of the interim government, which included important issues including peace, stopping the war, tackling the economic crisis, abolishing laws restricting freedoms and fighting corruption while adopting a balanced foreign policy.

Minister of Information Faisal Mohammed Saleh outlined the ten files in the formation of an independent commission of inquiry on the massacre of disengaging the general command in less than a month, preparing for the Constitutional Conference, fighting corruption, dismantling the frozen funds to run the wheel, while working to end the war and address the economic crisis and the abolition of laws restricting freedoms In addition to ways to achieve transitional justice and a balanced foreign policy.

In addition, the Government will ensure the promotion of women's rights and take measures to ensure their effective participation and reform of State organs and the relationship of the Center with the States to ensure their independence and nationality to function well, taking into account the issue of competence and rehabilitation.

Dr.. Rahma: Government can successfully complete some issues (Al-Jazeera)

Limited success
In the opinion of d. Bashir Adam Rahma, Deputy Secretary-General of the People's Congress, told Al Jazeera Net that the transitional government can successfully accomplish some of these issues, including turning the page of war and achieving peace, as well as allowing freedoms by abolishing restrictive laws. The hands of the army and the Rapid Support Forces and the role of the agency should be limited to gathering information.

In contrast to say d. Talking about tackling the economic crisis in six or seven months seems impossible, he said, referring to statements by the trade minister that they are moving to stop exporting any raw materials, which means alternatives need to be dealt with. Less than three to four years, in addition to a package of stressful economic factors associated with the overcrowding of cities, which poses serious challenges in the provision of health services and others.

He also pointed out that the inconsistency between the components of the government, which belong to Arab nationalist or liberal backgrounds and other intellectual intersections, will hinder the agreement on balanced external relations, especially in the axis of normalization with Israel and dealing with the axes policy in the region.

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He points to a point he considers very important: the need to have a huge budget to implement this plan, which is mysterious until the moment, the government, he says - announced during the era of the military (dissolved) to receive five hundred million dollars from Saudi Arabia and the UAE as a deposit said to have been placed in the Bank of Sudan But there is no publicly available funding to help the new transitional regime. "If this plan does not work in time, the frustration will be doubled."

For his part, human rights activist Khadr Atta al-Mannan believes that achieving harmony among the pillars of the transitional authority is the goal from which efforts to reform the state proceed.

He reads the government's urgent reform plan as "addressing the economic crisis because solving the pension crisis is a first-street demand, and the government will seek to bring Sudan back into the fold of the international community without external dictates, and will pay particular attention to the youth and women segment in order to preserve the roots of the revolution."

Mr.: It is more appropriate for each ministry to do what it suits (Al Jazeera Net)

The beginning of getting lost
FDP leader Ali al-Sayyed does not hesitate to describe the 200-day plan as a "floppy start", especially as the "political declaration" and the documents of the forces of freedom and change talked about giving peace the highest priority and importance during the first six months. Which means "getting lost and working without study and methodology."

He also told Al Jazeera Net, "It was more appropriate to leave each ministry to do what suits its situation, especially in the presence of a deep state (supporters of the former regime) that will activate in all directions to hinder any success, and thus confirm the beginning of weakness among the transitional government."

"The ten specific files require, first and foremost, the dismantling of the deep state, which is difficult to achieve in 200 days."

Al-Tijani: What is raised is not the opinion of the state but the vision of people (Al Jazeera Net)

Personal thoughts
The journalist and political analyst d. Khaled Tijani, in the same direction, questioning the success of the 200-day plan, and says to Al Jazeera Net that it is a clear reflection of the state of turmoil and lack of understanding of reality because of the lack of experience of the governors in its new form.

He stresses that what is being raised about plans and programs - in fact - is not the opinion of the state as much as the vision of people who donated broadcast to the media, it has not yet been presented as detailed programs with funds, and it has not been approved by the legislature, which does not know the time to form a special matter Leave in the hands of the Sovereign Council.

For her part, journalist Dora Qambo believes that the priorities of the government have been carefully defined, and the reform of the civil service is one of those priorities, in addition to achieving peace with the armed forces on the outskirts of Sudan.

She points out in this regard to the statement made by the Prime Minister - after the announcement of the ministerial formation - that it is possible to expand the membership of the Council of sovereignty "which means that Khartoum will soon see the accommodation of the leaders of the armed movements and their candidates in constitutional positions."

Qambo: Government priorities have been carefully defined

Qumbo says there is a "weakness" in the government's plan, "as it seems to have decided to confront the remnants of the old regime with quiet arrangements." But she cautions against the negative consequences of this approach "with a deep state like the one left by the NCP."

And criticizes the professor of economics d. Mahdi Ismail's methodology of the government in dealing with the economic crisis "because it starts from a policy paper published by the Minister of Finance Ibrahim al-Badawi before his official appointment."

He describes the paper as "stuffed with economic terms" and does not provide clear and explicit solutions to current economic crises such as liquidity, price chaos, high and low wages.