Teller Report

The reigning champions Sävehof: "We are not favorites"

9/11/2019, 12:17:23 PM

The reigning champions of SHE, Sävehof, have ten SM golds in the past eleven years. And has won gold two years in a row. Despite the dominance, the team's team captain does not consider them favorites for yet another SM gold. - We are not favorites in the series, says Linnea Pettersson to SVT Sport.

September month. It blows cooler winds over our elongated country.
But it is also a time when gold tips are in progress before each league start. So even before SHE.

Sävehof won the second SM gold on the rake after victory against Skuru last spring. The team has dominated the Women's Handball League in recent years.

But it is instead H65 Höör that gets the most gold tips, when the league's coaches tip the series before the league start. Sävehof, who among other things lost routinized Johanna Ahlm who quit and national team player Olivia Mellegård, is in third place.

- We are not favorites in the series. We have lost our routine and replaced with young talents. It will be a start-up period and then be the best when it comes to the most this spring, says Sävehof's team captain Linnea Pettersson.

The newcomer GT Söder is victorious

GT Söder are newcomers to this year's SHE and also receive the most jumbo tips.
However, the team's coach, Vaggo Schjölin, sees a top spot ahead of him.

- I really believe in our girls. We aim for the top four. If the girls would only believe half as much in themselves against me, then this will go well. It will be a shock when they later say "Aha, Vaggo you were right!"

The series starts on Saturday, September 14th.