Teller Report

The CGPJ will inspect the ERE court in mid-October

9/11/2019, 6:44:06 PM

The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) will make an inspection to the Court of Instruction number 6 of Seville, which investigates the ERE case and which is at the center of the controversy

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The General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) will make an inspection to the Court of Instruction number 6 of Seville, which investigates the ERE case and which is at the center of the controversy over the management of its owner, Judge María Núñez Bolaños , to who the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor accuses of hindering and slowing down the proceedings.

The president of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) , Lorenzo del Río, has announced this control visit (in statements collected by the Efe agency) in line with his meeting held on Wednesday with both Bolaños himself and Judge José Ignacio Vilaplana, who was appointed at the time with reinforcement functions but during this month has assumed the instruction of the macrocauses by the medical discharge of the titular judge, separated intermittently from the court since early July for medical reasons.

The decision of the CGPJ to investigate the court of the ERE comes after the complaint that the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor filed against Bolaños following the complaint of the six prosecutors of Seville for the continued delays of the various investigations (not only that of the ERE) that are instructed in Court number 6. In the same, warned of "unjustified and unjustified delay" in the processing and resolution of the causes for corruption (inherited all of them from the Mercedes Alaya stage), which would be damaging " the purposes of the criminal process and the Administration of Justice. "

The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Alejandro Luzón, points out in his complaint that Bolaños's action made it "impossible" to comply with the provisions for criminal proceedings, "favoring" that "the criminal action does not achieve its objectives."

The seriousness of the accusations has forced the CGPJ to take action on the matter to know first hand the problems of the court and open a file or file the proceedings based on the conclusions drawn from an inspection that will take place on the next 15 of October and coordinated by Judge Ricardo Conde , who was appointed in 2017 Promoter of the Disciplinary Action of the CGPJ.

This inspection visit has been announced at a particularly delicate time for the judge, who is again on leave after the summer holidays.

Lorenzo del Río, after interviewing Bolaños and José Ignacio Vilaplana, has shown his discomfort at the "informative treatment" that is being given to the situation of Bolaños, to the extent that it contributes to transmitting an image of "lack of credibility" of the judicial system. The objective of the TSJA is, according to its president, that the situation through which the court number 6 of Seville is going through does not cause "neither paralyzes nor suspensions of any kind", given the delays that already accumulate the different causes.

With that interest, the TSJA appointed a substitute last week, Judge Blessing Pavón, who will take care of the ordinary affairs of the court so that Vilaplana can assume the bulk of the macrocauses while Bolaños remains absent. At the moment, this provisional situation will continue predictably throughout the month of September.

As EL MUNDO reported last June, several sources consulted estimate that 60 percent of the proceedings initiated in the court number 6 of Seville would be somehow retained by action or omission of the instructor, and it is currently unknown in what situation there are 270 pieces to which the ERE macrocause would have taken place, although it is known that the judge has filed a significant part of them. At the moment, only one trial of the ERE has been held, the one that seated former presidents Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán on the bench and about twenty other former socialist positions, and is awaiting sentencing.

In the event that the file against Judge Bolaños continues, the magistrate is exposed to penalties that can range from a fine of 501 euros to the suspension, the transfer to another court no less than 100 kilometers from Seville or the separation of the judicial career, says Efe.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Seville
  • Manuel Chaves
  • Mercedes Alaya
  • José Antonio Griñán
  • General Council of the Judiciary
  • ERE case
  • Andalusia

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