Teller Report

Umeåbo wanted for human rights in Stockholm

9/10/2019, 6:35:17 PM

Stockholm police are calling for a Umeå resident at the age of 20 following a suspected robbery in Hammarby Heights in Stockholm on August 10.

On the night of August 10, a man was stopped and forced into a car in Hammarby Heights by several other men. Subsequently, a larger amount of money was taken from an ATM in southern Stockholm.

The journey went on to Eskilstuna where the suspected men tried to get more money. Police came into contact with the car after a witness heard from him and well on the scene three offenders fled the vehicle while a fourth, the driver, could be arrested. Two of the other men have since been found and the three are now detained.

The last man, Umeåbon, is still on the loose but has been detained in his absence. He is now wanted by the police who ask the public for tips. The man was last seen in Eskilstuna but may be located elsewhere.