Teller Report

Torra calls "mowing the chains" and "exercising self-determination"

9/10/2019, 7:14:28 PM

Unilateralism to combat the division and demobilization that threatens the Diada. The president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, has called the Catalan independentistas to «sega

Unilateralism to combat the division and demobilization that threatens the Diada. The president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, has called on the Catalan independentistas to "mow the chains" and "exercise the right of self-determination" during his institutional message on the occasion of the commemoration of September 11.

In an epic, hyperbolic tone and always clinging to the historical misrepresentation, the head of the Catalan Executive has maintained through the TV3 signal that Catalonia lives "under a long and painful place" like the one used by the Bourbon troops to take Barcelona into 1714 and has called to rise against the "repression" that, according to his story, prevents its citizens from separating from the rest of Spain.

«Catalonia will be what the Catalans want. No one can stop the desire for freedom of a particular people , ”said Torra, who has based his speech on the work Manual of Disobedience, when he will be judged precisely for that crime on September 25 and 26.

The president has harangued his followers, as he did with the CDR last fall, urging them to defend secession as the "defenders of Barcelona on September 11, 1714" "defended the city to the last consequences" during the War of Succession .

Torra has raised a motto that he has been insistently resorting to in recent weeks to warn the Justice that he has no intention of abiding by the Supreme Court ruling on the organization of 1-O or that of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia on his refusal to lift the yellow ties of the Generalitat during the last electoral cycle. "We will need to re-exercise every right denied to us." A sort of "we will do it again" with which not all the factions of separatism commune despite the fact that the institutional motto of the Diada is "we will return". It is worth recalling how ERC is repeatedly calling the call for early elections, while Torra and Carles Puigdemont rebate that it is convenient to "strengthen the Government", extend the legislature while sponsoring a permanent mobilization in the streets - inspired by the Hong Kong protests against China-.

«We haven't finished the road yet. I ask you not to stop and to move forward together to make our dreams and desires come true, ”said Torra after demanding that independence face“ the times that come ”with“ courage, unity and ambition ”.

Torra has appealed to reach a "collective commitment" and "deepen" the "republican" project.

In this way the president has implicitly claimed ERC to adhere to his plans. This increased Torra pressure on the party presided over by Oriol Junqueras, who today goes to the Diada with the fear of being publicly indicated as a traitor by the ANC, who contemplates such radical responses to the process's judgment as to unilaterally declare independence after recover the "disconnection laws" annulled by the Constitutional Court, lower the Spanish flag of the Palau de la Generalitat and defend the secession of the response that the State decided to give to that renewed separatist order.

Waiting to know what degree of confrontation is being experienced in Barcelona during the demonstration organized by the ANC, Torra has made a call to mobilization by asking the Catalans «to leave without fear of the squares and streets to proclaim the non-negotiable and complete commitment with democracy, social, civil and political rights and with the flag of freedom ». That is, to endorse for the eighth consecutive year since the process began the secessionist plan promoted by the Government and on which, shortly, the judges of the Supreme Court will issue a ruling.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Barcelona
  • Diada
  • Supreme Court
  • ERC
  • Catalonia
  • Jordi Sanchez
  • ANC
  • Quim Torra
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • constitutional Court
  • Hong Kong
  • Spain
  • China
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • CDR
  • Catalan Elections
  • Economic News Opinion
  • Politics

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