Teller Report

Staff at LSS accommodation had to lock in

9/10/2019, 7:50:22 PM

A resident at an LSS home for people with autism and developmental disorders threatened staff with violence and abuse in a text message. The threat, which was mainly directed at one of the employees, has now been reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The accommodation also has the police report the incident.

It was at the end of August that the residents threatened the staff with violence and abuse. When the person came to the accommodation, the staff had secured other residents in their apartments, called the police and hid the threatened employees in the staff office. The person became even more upset when the staff was gone and then also expressed threats to other staff, who also locked themselves in the staff office.

Closes the door

The report states: “The resident kicks and knocks on the door until the hinge goes off and he enters the office. The staff then runs out onto the balcony where they hold onto the balcony door. The resident tries to come out and express verbal threats, while throwing things at the window and the glass in the balcony door so that he can access the staff. "

When the police came to the scene, the residents calmed down and were taken to hospital with handcuffs.

The manager of the accommodation says that the accommodation is no longer left on the accommodation, as his needs have changed.