Teller Report

Small breasts, a weakness of femininity?

9/10/2019, 4:11:05 PM

Tuesday, in & quot; Without Appointment & quot; on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc has examined the complex relationship between breast size and the representation of femininity.

On Tuesday, in "Sans Rendez-Vous" on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc took a look at the complex relationship between breast size and the representation of femininity.

Too small, too big ... Many women are complexed by the size of their breasts. On Tuesday, in "Sans Rendez-Vous" on Europe 1, the psychoanalyst and sexologist Catherine Blanc explains the link between the size of the breasts and the representation of femininity.

The question of Aline 19 years old

"I have small breasts while all the other women in my family are well off, it makes me feel like I'm not a woman, what do you think?"

Catherine Blanc's answer

First, Aline's chest will evolve, she is only 19 years old. Beyond the size, the question is also whether it is given the opportunity to be a woman, or if it is reduced to a position of little last, definitely.

Are questions about breast size common?

Yes, since the external organs are measurable. But finally, what defines our femininity if not what we act and what we live on a daily basis? And very often, we look for external evidence that demonstrates to others that we are legitimate in our feminine position.

Can men love small breasts?

I believe that all men seek to see a woman with breasts as they seek to see what demonstrates she is a woman. But everyone does not have the same breast reading: for some, big breasts will be the symbol of a generous, generous woman, and it will be very exciting. For others, it will be anxiety: some men will find small breasts much more reassuring, more exciting, because they are not obvious to discover.

How to make Aline accept her small breasts? Can she find ways to satisfy herself? Can a man's gaze help him?

Ideally, we must accept ourselves: small or big, these breasts are alive, they react, are delicate, are in harmony with a body. But it is difficult to let go of others' eyes, and the love of the other comes to meet the possibility of this way of repair.

But Aline feels very different compared to other women in her family ...

If they are women who are blooming in there, fine. It tells the story of the building of these women with each other, the domination of each other, which led to the idea that her breasts were failing in relation to the idea of ​​superpower that could have your mother or sisters.

Are prostheses a solution?

Some women need cosmetic surgery because they need something, especially when breasts are damaged. I think in the case of Aline, we have to wait, even if it's true that some will find a place of reinsurance. Provided, however, not to do "the breasts of the other", "the breasts of the man with whom we are", but the breasts that correspond to a reading of oneself.