Teller Report

Rosguard proposed to ban the media from disclosing information about employees

9/10/2019, 10:14:17 PM

The Russian Guard has appealed to the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia with a proposal to oblige journalists covering public events to maintain confidentiality with respect to information about military officials and members of their families.

The draft of the Russian Guard and the proposals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were considered at a working meeting of the standing commission on freedom of information and the rights of journalists.

At the same time, representatives of departments did not participate in the meeting due to employment, but expressed their willingness to participate in the development of a joint document.

In turn, the Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested reminding journalists of the inadmissibility of provocations against law enforcement officials, as well as the obligation to counter extremist activities and comply with ethical principles.

It is expected that the draft leaflet will be discussed during face-to-face discussions with the participation of representatives of relevant committees and commissions of the State Duma and the Federation Council.

Earlier, the Rosgvardia called the verdict fair for blogger Vladislav Sinitsa, sentenced to five years in a penal colony on charges of extremism for one of his Twitter posts, which experts regarded as a call to violence against children of law enforcement officials who participated in the suppression of unauthorized actions in Moscow.