Teller Report

Exercises you can do at home if you only have 10 minutes

9/10/2019, 12:08:16 PM

Lack of time is no excuse (and you know it). Don't you have 10 free minutes every day to devote to feeling better? Time sounds ridiculously short but it can be a b

Lack of time is no excuse (and you know it). Don't you have 10 free minutes every day to devote to feeling better? Time sounds ridiculously short but it can be a good start to take the taste of physical activity and, little by little, incorporate it as another habit of your daily life.

Here are our proposals to dedicate those 10 minutes of gold (minute up, minute down) to your mountain body.


Nothing like plates (well done!) To strengthen the 'core'. With only 10 minutes three or four days a week you will experience a great change. Miguel Rojo, from Cool Health Club (Madrid), teaches us a simple routine with different variations.

Taking care of the technique is essential so as not to injure ourselves and take full advantage of the benefits provided by the isometric abdominals. Magali Dalix explains how to execute them correctly.

And Martín Giacchetta, co-founder of Boutique Gym (Madrid), teaches us how to combine different exercises to tone the abdomen in just 10 minutes.


The passage of time and lack of exercise makes us the grass of sagging. To combat it, there is nothing other than doing a good toning job with tables like those proposed by Kelly Batista, personal trainer at Arsenal Femenino Madrid.


Finally, coach Noe Todea shows us what routine we can do with elastic bands to strengthen the lower train.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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