Teller Report

Children of Syria .. The suffering of want and deprivation of education

9/10/2019, 6:26:11 PM

Sila Wafi - Syria

The war and the deteriorating economic conditions in areas outside the Syrian regime's power have deprived children of school. Their schools have become rubble due to the Russian bombing, and many of them are forced to work and bear the burden of life.

At the edge of “Afs” village in Idlib countryside, the mud village camp is home to 83 displaced families from different Syrian countryside, where there is no life and service and humanitarian organizations are absent.

Hamza al-Hussein, a 12-year-old child from Al Jazeera Net, says that since he arrived with his family in this camp after a long displacement trip, he has been working to collect plastic nylon discharges, where he sells them cheaply, forgetting the classrooms because he could not save money that would enable him to meet his school needs. .

He adds that he did not easily abandon school, and that it was abandoned when one teacher rejected him in his tattered clothes, and students practiced bullying ugly.

Hamza asserts that he is adapting to his new way of life. The presence of his friends in the camp and his older brother helps him smile and face the conditions of life.

Hamza's older brother, Mohammed, says he sees his brother Rafik, who cannot go without him.Many family members, more than 12, have made them young men who are able to shoulder the burden of responsibility, especially since their sick father is often bedridden.

The 13-year-old brother dreams of owning a plane to bomb regime forces that have driven them from their land, destroyed their home and schools and reached this tragic situation, until they became thinking about paying for the loaf of bread.

The children Mohammed and Hamza while working in the camp (Al Jazeera)

Ignorance or hunger
"When I look at the situation of my children who cannot read, I cry silently. This ignorance puts them in constant danger. They can't even read a recipe," she says. Medical or personal identification information. "

The camp's director, Ahmed al-Hassan, says Hamza's condition and his work in collecting scrap, plastic and bread crumbs are not the only ones.

He adds that the situation of the residents in the camp is very tragic, and they have no motive to stay in it other than the quality of its construction and what they find in the intimacy and tranquility design that resembles a lane of the village.

Children of the camp (island)

Begging children
The influx of Syrian children in Idlib governorate is increasing due to the increased displacement caused by the bombing of Russian aircraft, which naturally led families to flee their homes to areas where they have nothing, forcing the children to appeal to pedestrians.

Ghoroob and Sobhi live outdoors, unable to go to school, and begged to support their families.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said in a report in early 2018 that 5.3 million Syrian children needed urgent assistance, and 3.7 million children in Syria knew only war.

These large numbers generated many problems for children, especially the denial of education, where UNICEF says that 2.7 million Syrian children did not attend education inside and outside Syria, and this has resulted in the spread of child labor and street children, child recruitment and child marriage.