Teller Report

Bahamas: Michael Jordan gives a million dollars to victims of Hurricane Dorian

9/10/2019, 6:38:05 PM

Bahamas: Michael Jordan gives a million dollars to victims of Hurricane Dorian

Los Angeles (AFP)

NBA legend Michael Jordan announced Tuesday that he would donate $ 1 million to humanitarian organizations to help the people of the Bahamas, hit hard last week by Hurricane Dorian.

"I am devastated by the destruction caused by the hurricane in the Bahamas," said Jordan, who owns a property on the Caribbean archipelago, in a statement posted on Twitter.

"My heart goes out to all those who suffer and have lost loved ones," added the former Chicago Bulls back-six-time NBA champion in the 1990s.

Today, the owner of the Charlotte Hornets franchise, Jordan says he wants to choose the non-profit organizations to which he will give these funds, "where their impact will be the strongest".

"The people of Bahamas are strong and resilient, and I hope this donation will be useful to them" after the disaster, concluded the former basketball player.

In addition to Michael Jordan, who had already donated $ 2 million in November 2018 after Hurricane Florence wreaked havoc in North and South Carolina, Micky Arison, another NBA franchise owner, the Miami Heat, announced its intention to donate a million dollars.

For now, the official record in the Bahamas is 44 dead, but it is expected to increase "considerably", according to the authorities.

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