Teller Report

6 months imprisonment for a worker who started killing his colleague for “cattle food”

9/10/2019, 10:05:22 PM

The Dubai Criminal Court sentenced an Asian (58-year-old) worker to six months and deportation after he was found guilty of deliberately killing his colleague by bumping him in the car, trying to run him over again, then assaulting him with a wooden stick, and almost killed him without the intervention of a third colleague. Disagreement between the two put on

The Dubai Criminal Court sentenced an Asian (58-year-old) worker to six months and deportation after he was found guilty of deliberately killing his colleague by bumping him in the car, trying to run him over again, then assaulting him with a wooden stick, and almost killed him without the intervention of a third colleague. Odds between the two on putting food for cattle in a dirty bowl.

In the Public Prosecution's investigation, the victim said that while he was in his employer's house, he put rice in a pot to be provided by the accused to the sheep as usual. The defendant denounced the food in a dirty bowl. .

The victim continued that after completing the work, he went to the warehouse to bring soap, and the defendant saw him and hit him by car deliberately, fell to the ground, and broke his forearms, and the perpetrator did not stop where he returned to the car and tried to shock him again, but managed to stand and fled the place The defendant dealt with a wooden stick and tried to attack him, but the attendants intervened and caught him, and called the police and ambulance who attended and took the required measures, pointing out that the defendant intended to take his soul, as he always acted with nervousness and was threatening to kill him by car, because his cooking does not like him.

A cook at the same house said that he was in the kitchen when the victim asked the defendant to transfer the pot containing the food waste to the farm to feed the cattle. The defendant asked him to give him a clean container. He tried to break the fight but did not expect what happened later.

He added that the defendant left and took his sponsor's car, and when the victim came out of the kitchen, he heard a strong bumping sound. He ran out and saw his colleague on the ground, while the defendant returned to the car, trying to run over the victim. He had to flee, but the defendant did not stop.

The defendant admitted that he had deliberately attempted to kill his colleague by running over his sponsor, and a medical report confirmed that the victim had broken his forearms.