Teller Report

The Liberals do not want to prioritize open preschool

9/9/2019, 5:35:22 PM

The Social Democrats in Halmstad want to see a reopening of Northern Cat's open preschool. It closed this spring because of the municipality's savings and the chairman of the Children and Youth Committee Lovisa Aldrin (L) maintains that it should be kept closed.

- We have great challenges ahead. For example, we do not reach knowledge goals and there are too few who leave high school with approved grades. That is why it is important to put resources into our core business, says Lovisa Aldrin (L), chair of the children's and youth committee in Halmstad.

The Social Democrats want to get Northern Cat's open preschool up and running again, as they believe it is an important meeting place for parental leave and that it fulfills an educational function.

- In central Halmstad, there are a number of places for parental leave to go to. In times when we have a lot of money to spare, open preschool is a nice activity to be able to offer, but I don't think it's something we can prioritize when we don't have a fantastic economy, says Lovisa Aldrin (L).

See in the clip what Lovisa Aldrin (L) thinks about the Social Democrats' proposal.