Teller Report

The IAEA calls on Iran to cooperate and Netanyahu talks about a secret Iranian site

9/9/2019, 7:47:22 PM

Acting Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Cornell Verota called on Iran to cooperate fully, stressing that "time is crucial," while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu identified what he said was a secret site where Tehran had developed nuclear weapons.

At a press conference in Vienna on the results of his visit to Iran, Verotta said: "With regard to Iran's implementation of the safeguards protocol, and during my talks in Tehran, I stressed the importance of implementing these guarantees fully and according to the timetable."

He added that it is important to develop cooperation between Iran and the IAEA, and stressed that Iran must answer all questions regarding the completion of its "declarations of safety controls," stressing that "time is crucial."

The Acting Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said he was happy with the tone and the Iranian side's presentation, and that his message was "well received."

He explained that the IAEA deals strictly and accurately with all the rationale of things on the Iranian file, and it takes into account all possibilities.

"We will continue our efforts and remain engaged in our work on verifying nuclear programs in a manner consistent with our official mission," he said.

Earlier on Monday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that Tehran was installing sophisticated centrifuges that would increase its stockpile of enriched uranium, after Tehran said it had no choice but to reduce its obligations under the nuclear deal because of "unfulfilled promises." By the Europeans. "

Cornell Verotta talks about his visit to Iran at a press conference in Vienna (Reuters)

Israeli accusations
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran is developing nuclear weapons in a secret site in the region of Abadeh, south of the city of Isfahan, stressing that it destroyed the site when it realized that Israel discovered it.

This is the first time that Netanyahu has identified the site, which he said was discovered in a series of Iranian documents previously acquired by Israel and revealed last year.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quick to respond to Netanyahu by saying, "Those who have real nuclear weapons are lying about an alleged location in Iran."

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a news conference with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Lourdes that Russia and France agreed to maintain the Iranian nuclear deal, adding that there was no reasonable alternative to the nuclear deal with Iran.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Tehran's resumption of the development of centrifuges does not pose any threat, and that the reduction of its obligations in the nuclear deal is a direct result of Washington's reckless policies.

"We call on all remaining countries in the nuclear agreement to defend firmly the agreement and the Security Council resolution," the ministry said, stressing that the key issue at the current stage is to maintain the agreement.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the situation in the Gulf was headed for stability if Iranian tankers were stopped.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, called on the United States to "abandon its wrong approach, such as unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure on Iran."

"At the same time, all the signatories of the agreement should fully commit to the full and effective implementation" of the nuclear deal, ministry spokeswoman Hua Shunning told reporters in Beijing, stressing the need to reach a settlement and reduce tension on the Iranian nuclear issue.