Teller Report

The Conte Government gains confidence in the Chamber: 343 yes, 263 i no

9/9/2019, 7:29:05 PM

The Conte Government gains confidence in the Chamber: 343 yes, 263 i no. Bagarre at Montecitorio during the premier's reply to the Chamber of Deputies during the reply of the Prime Minister after the debate that preceded the fiuducia vote. Welcomed by stadium choirs from the benches of the League, Giuseppe Conte was repeatedly interrupted and repeatedly interjected with the deputies, also recalled by the President of the Fico Chamber. "I have to make a premise concerning the past, in particular many interventions of the Lega and Forza Italia hide strong emotional reactions, of vehement proclamations," said the Prime Minister. "Betrayal? This is a great hoax" "You talked about betrayal but let me say that I know your communicative ability but endlessly repeating these words will not be able to change the reality of the facts: this is a great hoax. thinking that a single political force or even its leader can decide every year at will or even at its own discretion to be able to bring the country to the elections is irresponsible ", says Conte in the courtroom, responding to center-right MPs who shout" elections ". "This government presents itself to you not at night but in a linear and transparent manner. In a linear manner, M5s Pd and Leu worked on a project to protect the good of the country. And I used two concepts: courage and responsibility", continues With you. "In my speech I quoted Hannah Arendt, who distinguished between prejudices and judgments - recalled Conte -. Pd and M5s found themselves in opposition and had to overcome prejudices, it was a difficult decision and I understand it. prejudices, aware that they sit here in the interest of Italians ". "Vulgarity from the League. Did you want more seats?" "The deputy Garavaglia I worked with for months used an expression that I consider vulgar, 'you want to be bolted to the seats', it's an expression I don't find appropriated because for me an armchair is an element of responsibility, then I have to think, that you wanted to go to the elections to get more seats? ". "With the European allies you have not helped" "I say this to the League: let's say that even with European alliances you haven't helped me at all, eh," says the premier. The explanations of vote The Chamber votes confidence in the second government of Giuseppe Conte after the voting declarations have been concluded with the interventions of the representatives of the main parliamentary groups. Melons: from the opposition without discounts "You will not have the trust of Fdi, we have difficulty in recognizing respect, other than trust". Thus, in the Chamber, the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. Addressing the premier Giuseppe Conte, Meloni added: "Vulgar is to bolt to the seats. It is that you do not understand what the priorities are." The MP announced "an opposition without rebates" against the M5S-Pd executive, calling it "perhaps the worst government of politicians terrorized by popular judgment". Gelmini: Forza Italia will not vote for the trust "We will not vote for confidence in the government, this executive once again does not come from the majority wanted by the Italians, but by the fear of going to the vote. We have serious doubts that this government can live up to work for the country in these difficult conditions ". This was stated by Mariastella Gelmini, leader of the Forza Italia in the Chamber, during the voting declarations on confidence in the government. "In the government program we find a list of good intentions but there is not a number, there is no coverage," Gelmini added, "many empty words and wrong far from the real country." Delrio: yes to trust and serious and solid speech by Conte "President Conte, you presented a serious and solid speech and are the two things that Italy needs. It has accepted to overcome the logic of the contract" based on "interests details ", of a government that was" legitimate, then you have to explain to me why it is legitimate for the first and third party to form each other while it is not legitimate for the first and second party to do so ". Graziano Delrio, the leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber of Deputies, said this in a declaration of vote on the confidence in the Conte II government. Molinari: he told us about it for 14 months "You mentioned that there were electoral conveniences behind the decision to break up. I could say that too many were not, but I wouldn't tell the truth. The truth is that a year ago you spoke of a sovereign government, he asked for trust for a government capable of changing the European balance. We had believed in it. She knew that he was leading a sovereign government that wanted to change Europe ". This was stated by the leader of the League, Riccardo Molinari, in the classroom. "I would not know how to call it if not betrayal, inconsistency. Thanks to the vote of the five stars in Europe you have not changed anything. You have told us bales for 14 months. You have made the lawyer of himself, not that of the people. The Monti government - he adds, addressed to Prime Minister Conte - he was born as his own, with the same purpose, to maintain the status quo, to prevent the people from voting ". D'Uva: quota 100 and income do not touch "In the program presented by the president Conte there are so many points dear to the M5S, points with which we presented ourselves to the citizens". The leader of the M5S in the Chamber, Francesco D'Uva, said this during the voting declarations on confidence in the government. "Quota 100 was one of the program points of the M5S and nobody touches it, such as the citizenship income, all the measures dear to the M5S and approved in these 14 months will not be touched" added D'Uva "we must guarantee extraordinary investments for the south, on the motorway concessions no benefit will be given to private interests ". "In the programmatic lines we find themes dear to the M5S. This is the moment of courage, the courage to keep the bar straight. When we entered we were called the anti-politics, but the fact that we are here in the interest of the country shows that we are another policy I declare the favorable vote of the M5S to trust ". Thus the group leader M5S in the Chamber Francesco D'Uva during the voting declarations on the trust to the Count II. The long speech of the morning "Before starting my communications in this classroom, first of all, give me a greeting and a thank you to the President of the Republic who, even in these last decisive phases for the life of the Republic, scrupulously exercising his institutional prerogatives has guided with balance and wisdom and was an indispensable reference for all ". This is how Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte opens his speech to the Chamber. A long round of applause was paid to the head of state. "I and all my ministers - he promises - we take the solemn commitment, today in front of you, to take care of words, to use a more appropriate vocabulary and more respectful of people, of the diversity of ideas." As Saragat said - quotes Conte - let the face of this Republic be a human face "." I have always understood my role as a service to the country and in exercising my service I have always tried to look at the common good without letting the interests of others prevail "." Moved by the primary objective of the national interest I have always understood my role trying to always look at the common good without letting the interests of the parties prevail. "The President of the Council states." The program is not a mere list. It is a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future, a project for the country ", he added." A political and social pact ". This is what the Conte II government proposes to Parliament today." The program I am about to illustrating is not a mere list of heterogeneous proposals that overlap with one another, nor is it the mere summation of the different positions taken by the political forces that have intended to support this initiative. On the contrary, it is a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future. It is a government project of the country, strongly characterized on the political level, which heralds specific responses to the expectations and needs of the citizens, responses that we commit ourselves to carry out with the work and commitment of the women and men who sit here at mine side "." It is a program - he continued - that has the ambition to outline the society in which we want to live ourselves, that we already have some years on our shoulders, but above all the society that we want to deliver to our children and to our grandchildren, in the awareness that the "political and social pact" that we are proposing to you and all citizens today, is necessarily projected, in order to be sustainable, into an intergenerational dimension "." I hope the season will be resolved "" This political project marks the "the beginning of a new, we are confident resolution, reforming season". This was stated by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Chamber in the Chamber. "I have always understood my role as a service to the country - continues Conte - and in the ESA ask my service I have always tried to look at the common good without letting the interests of others prevail ". "A political and social pact". This is what the Conte II government is proposing to Parliament today. . Illustrating the programmatic declarations of the new executive, the Prime Minister said in the courtroom at Montecitorio: "The program I am going to illustrate is not a mere list of heterogeneous proposals that overlap with one another, nor is it mere summing up the different positions taken by the political forces that have intended to support this initiative, on the contrary, a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future: it is a government project of the country, strongly characterized on the political level, which predicts specifics answers to the expectations and the needs of the citizens, answers that we commit ourselves to achieve with the work and commitment of the women and men who sit here by my side "." It is a program - he continued - that has the ambition of outline the society in which we want to live ourselves, that we already have some years on our shoulders, but above all the society we want to deliver to our children and our grandchildren, in the the awareness that the "political and social pact" that today we propose to you and to all citizens, is necessarily projected, to be sustainable, in an intergenerational dimension ". "Sobriety and rigor through trust" It is necessary to recover "sobriety and rigor so that our citizens can see with renewed confidence in the institutions". The premier says. "We are committed to being patient also in language - he continues - measuring it on the need for understanding. The language of the government will be a" mild "language, because we are aware that the force of our action will not be measured by the arrogance of our words" . "Citizens look at us, they listen to us, they wait for us a word and an action up to the function to which we are called", he adds. "Maneuver for growth and sustainable development" "Many challenges await us, starting from the next budget session, which will have to direct the country towards a solid prospect of growth and sustainable development, even in a macro-economic international context characterized by deep uncertainty". Work and the South The challenge on the internal level is to expand the participation in the working life of the population groups hitherto excluded. They are concentrated above all among young people and women, particularly in the South. We want to offer them, like all other workers, job opportunities, adequate wages and living conditions worthy of a civilized country, of a country that, since 1948, has established, in its fundamental charter, the right of the worker to a free and dignified existence. We must therefore remove the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving this primary objective and which - unfortunately - can be traced back to the most varied causes ". School and family at the center: intervention on nursery schools" Poor training, lack of knowledge and skills, difficulty to reconcile family life and working life "will be at the center of government action." Quality schools and universities, nurseries and family services, especially those with children, will therefore be the first levers on which to act. The first, immediate intervention will be on nursery schools. This government will work towards the total cancellation of the cost of nursery schools starting from 2020-2021 "for the lowest incomes." Progressive revision of motorway concessions "" We will make the concession system more efficient and rational by carrying out a progressive and inexorable revision of everything the system. As for the issue of motorway concessions initiated following the collapse of the Morandi bridge, we will complete the proceeding without any discount for private interests, with the exclusive objective of protecting the public interest and the memory of the 43 victims, a tragedy that will remain a indelible page of our homeland history ". Prime Minister says." Green new deal "The prime minister, summoning Roosevelt, announces the start of a" green new deal for urban regeneration ", an articulated action for sustainable development that starts from the protection of the environment, for example with the stop to new concessions for drilling linked to the extraction of hydrocarbons, with consequent energy conversion towards renewable sources, among other green objectives, the "protection of biodiversity and the seas", the contrast to climate change and the launch of a circular economy policy that favors the culture of recycling and definitively ceases culture of refusal. "Reducing taxes to the benefit of workers" "In the perspective of a gradual re-modulation of the rates in support of medium and low incomes, in line with the fundamental constitutional principle of the progressiveness of taxation, our priority objective is to reduce taxes on labor - the so-called "tax wedge" - to the total advantage of the workers, and to identify a fair wage - the so-called "minimum wage". "The maximum protections must be guaranteed for the benefit of the workers, also through the erga omnes effectiveness mechanism of the collective contracts signed by the organizations most representative trade unions "." We aim to introduce a law on gender equality in salaries: it is a battle that we want to complete as soon as possible in homage to all women "." Markets are investing with confidence in Italy "" As demonstrated the significant reduction in interest rates compared to last October's levels, the financial markets they are investing with confidence in the new phase that Italy is going through. The decrease in interest payments paid on our public debt is a real "structural reform", because it allows us to loosen what has been the greatest brake on the growth of our country in recent decades ". Conte says." Cutting the parliamentarians "Thunderous applause from the banks of the M5s when the premier tackles the topic of parliamentary cuts:" With regard to the issue of constitutional reforms, it is our intention to request the inclusion, in the first useful calendar of the Chamber of Deputies, of the constitutional bill which provides for a reduction in the number of parliamentarians ". But he points out:" This reform will have to be accompanied by a path of constitutional guarantee, to allow all political forces to be represented in Parliament ". Chorus" Bibbiano, Bibbiano "from Lega desks and Fdi after the passage of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on the constitutional reform with the cutting of the elected. Differentiated autonomy Cont and ensures that the "process of differentiated autonomy" will be completed, but that it is "just and cooperative", that is with the aim of guaranteeing the citizens of all regions "the same quality of services", so as not to create "one country and two speeds". Health "The government will undertake to defend public and universal health, valuing merit and preparing a plan of extraordinary hiring of doctors and nurses, strengthening training courses" Relations with Europe Conte underlines the need to "improve the stability pact and growth and its application, to simplify the rules, avoid pro-cyclical effects, and support investments starting from those linked to environmental and social sustainability ". Then he adds: "Defending the national interest does not mean abandoning oneself to sterile isolationist retreats. To defend the national interest means, as I have always tried to do, to put one's own country above everything and never be conditioned by pressure from economic powers and from undue external influences ". Defense of pluralism in information "This government will also be particularly sensitive in promoting information pluralism. I thank the press for its irreplaceable role as a 'thermometer' of democracy: the guarantee of free, impartial information and independent, it is one of the nerve centers that define the reliability and durability of our country and its institutions ". "Managing migration with rigor and responsibility" "The epochal migration phenomenon must be managed with rigor and responsibility, pursuing a multi-level modulated policy, based on an approach that is no longer emergent, but structural, which addresses the issue as a whole, also through the definition of an organic regulation that pursues the fight against the illegal trafficking of persons, but which is shown to be capable of more effectively addressing the issues of integration, for those who have the right to stay and repatriation, for those who do not ". And he announces "we will review the safety regulation in the light of the critical remarks made by the President of the Republic, which means recovering, in substance, the original formulation of the most recent decree law, before the integrations intervened which, during the conversion, have compromised the overall balance ". Italian Euro-Atlantic Placement The President of the Council confirms Italy's placement on the European and Atlantic axis, reaffirming membership of NATO. With particular attention to the Mediterranean, in particular for the stabilization of Libya, and to the Balkans. "This is the spirit with which we intend to continue to develop relations with the major global players - such as India, Russia and China - and with the areas of greatest interest for our production system. These relationships, which - even in perspective - we believe of fundamental importance, they must always be declined, as I have just said, in ways compatible with our Euro-Atlantic vocation ". Conte invites ministers: responsible use of social networks Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte invites government members to "sobriety that, I hope, can be contagious and positively orient citizens' behavior, starting with the responsible use of social networks, which not of rarely become receptacles of injurious expressions and verbal aggression ". Intervening in the Chamber in the Chamber, Conte said:" I cannot but stigmatize, once again, the ignoble attacks addressed, in recent days, to two of my ministers, Senator Teresa Bellanova and the honorable Paola De Micheli, to whom I renew my shared presence. This is the moment of courage and determination ". Speech Conte to the Chamber lasted an hour and 25 minutes. The intervention in the Chamber in the Chamber of Giuseppe Conte to ask for trust lasted an hour and 25 minutes. The speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause from the majority and opposition disputes. A chorus with the cry 'Armchair, armchair' started from the benches of the League towards the end of the speech of the premier Giuseppe Conte. Someone has also called for "elections". Franceschini, progressive discourse, hate season end "Today the season of malice, hatred and I think we can look ahead. Conte's speech is highly innovative, reformist, progressive. The government is supported by forces that were opposing: now we roll up our sleeves and try to do our best for the country ". This was declared by the minister and head of the Democratic Party in government, Dario Franceschini, after Conte's speech. "A strong idea for all of us is that of free nursery schools for the less well off", he adds.

  • Giuseppe Conte's reply to the Chamber for trust. Hard blow and response with the League
  • Conte: "Mattarella is an indispensable reference. A new season of reform begins"
  • Government, Conte's message: loyal cooperation for the good of the country
  • Pd, Zingaretti: "We turn the page, the era of populism ends"
  • Salvini in the square with Fratelli d'Italia, no Forza Italia. Divided on center-right
  • Mattarella: it is necessary to review the Stability Pact to boost growth


09 September 2019The Conte Government gains confidence in the Chamber: 343 yes, 263 i no.

Bagarre at Montecitorio during the premier's reply
Climate in the Chamber of Deputies during the response of the Prime Minister after the debate that preceded the fiuducia vote. Welcomed by stadium choirs from the benches of the League, Giuseppe Conte was repeatedly interrupted and repeatedly interjected with the deputies, also recalled by the President of the Fico Chamber. "I have to make a premise concerning the past, in particular many interventions of the Lega and Forza Italia hide strong emotional reactions, of vehement proclamations," said the Prime Minister.

"Treason? This is a great hoax"
"You talked about betrayal but let me say that I know your communicative ability but endlessly repeating these words will not be able to change the reality of the facts: this is a great hoax. The fact of thinking that a single political force or even his leader can decide every year at will or even in his will to bring the country to the elections is irresponsible, "says Conte in the courtroom, responding to center-right deputies shouting" elections ".

"This government presents itself to you not at night but in a linear and transparent manner. In a linear manner, M5s Pd and Leu worked on a project to protect the good of the country. And I used two concepts: courage and responsibility", continues With you. "In my speech I quoted Hannah Arendt, who distinguished between prejudices and judgments - recalled Conte -. Pd and M5s found themselves in opposition and had to overcome prejudices, it was a difficult decision and I understand it. prejudices, aware that they sit here in the interest of Italians ".

"Vulgarity from the League. Did you want more seats?"
"The deputy Garavaglia I worked with for months used an expression that I consider vulgar, 'you want to be bolted to the seats', it's an expression I don't find appropriated because for me an armchair is an element of responsibility, then I have to think, that you wanted to go to the elections to get more seats? ".

"With the European allies you have not helped"
"I say this to the League: let's say that even with European alliances you haven't helped me at all, eh," says the premier.

The explanations of vote
The Chamber votes confidence in the second government of Giuseppe Conte after the voting declarations have been concluded with the interventions of the representatives of the main parliamentary groups.

Melons: from the opposition without discounts
"You will not have the trust of Fdi, we have difficulty in recognizing respect, other than trust". Thus, in the Chamber, the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. Addressing the premier Giuseppe Conte, Meloni added: "Vulgar is to bolt to the seats. It is that you do not understand what the priorities are." The MP announced "an opposition without rebates" against the M5S-Pd executive, calling it "perhaps the worst government of politicians terrorized by popular judgment".

Gelmini: Forza Italia will not vote for confidence
"We will not vote confidence in the government, this executive once again does not come from the majority wanted by the Italians, but by the fear of going to the vote. We have serious doubts that this government can live up to working for the country in these difficult conditions ". This was stated by Mariastella Gelmini, leader of the Forza Italia in the Chamber, during the voting declarations on confidence in the government. "In the government program we find a list of good intentions but there is not a number, there is no coverage," Gelmini added, "many empty words and wrong far from the real country."

Delrio: yes to trust and serious and solid speech by Conte
"President Conte, you presented a serious and solid speech and these are the two things that Italy needs. It has accepted to overcome the logic of the contract" based on "special interests", of a government that was "legitimate, then you must explain to me why it is legitimate for the first and third party to be allied, while it is not legitimate for the first and second party to do so ". Graziano Delrio, the leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber of Deputies, said this in a declaration of vote on trust in the Conte II government.

Molinari: he told us about it for 14 months
"You mentioned that there were electoral conveniences behind the decision to break up. I could say that too many were not, but I wouldn't tell the truth. The truth is that a year ago you were talking about a sovereign government, asking for trust for a government capable of changing the European balance. We had believed in it. You knew that you were leading a sovereign government that wanted to change Europe. " This was stated by the leader of the League, Riccardo Molinari, in the classroom. "I would not know how to call it if not betrayal, inconsistency. Thanks to the vote of the five stars in Europe you have not changed anything. You have told us bales for 14 months. You have made the lawyer of himself, not that of the people. The Monti government - he adds, addressed to Prime Minister Conte - he was born as his own, with the same purpose, to maintain the status quo, to prevent the people from voting ".

Grapes: share 100 and income do not touch
"In the program presented by President Conte there are many points dear to the M5S, points with which we presented ourselves to the citizens". The leader of the M5S in the Chamber, Francesco D'Uva, said this during the voting declarations on confidence in the government. "Quota 100 was one of the program points of the M5S and nobody touches it, such as the citizenship income, all the measures dear to the M5S and approved in these 14 months will not be touched" added D'Uva "we must guarantee extraordinary investments for the south, on the motorway concessions no benefit will be given to private interests ".

"In the programmatic lines we find themes dear to the M5S. This is the moment of courage, the courage to keep the bar straight. When we entered we were called the anti-politics, but the fact that we are here in the interest of the country shows that we are another policy I declare the favorable vote of the M5S to trust ". Thus the group leader M5S in the Chamber Francesco D'Uva during the voting declarations on the trust to the Count II.

The long speech of the morning
"Before initiating my communications in this classroom, first of all, grant me a greeting and a thank you to the President of the Republic who, even in these last decisive phases for the life of the Republic, scrupulously exercising his institutional prerogatives, guided with balance and wisdom. and it was an indispensable reference for all ". This is how Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte opens his speech to the Chamber. A long round of applause was paid to the head of state. "I and all my ministers - he promises - we take the solemn commitment, today in front of you, to take care of words, to use a more appropriate vocabulary and more respectful of people, of the diversity of ideas." As Saragat said - quotes Conte - let the face of this Republic be a human face ".

"I have always understood my role as a service to the country and in exercising my service I have always tried to look at the common good without letting the interests of others prevail." "Moved by the primary objective of the national interest I have always understood my role trying to always look at the common good without letting the interests of others prevail." The prime minister states. "The program is not a mere list. It is a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future, a project for the country", he added. "A political and social pact". This is what the Conte II government is proposing to Parliament today. "The program that I am going to illustrate is not a mere list of heterogeneous proposals that overlap with each other, nor is it the mere summation of the different positions taken by the political forces that have intended to support this initiative. on the contrary, a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future: it is a project of government of the country, strongly characterized on the political level, which heralds specific responses to the expectations and needs of citizens, responses that we commit ourselves to carry out with the work and commitment of the women and men who sit here by my side "." It is a program - he continued - that has the ambition to outline the society in which we want to live ourselves, that we already have some years on their shoulders, but above all the society we want to deliver to our children and our grandchildren, in the awareness that the "political and social pact" that we offer today to you and to all citizens, is projected necessary to be sustainable, in an intergenerational dimension ".

"I hope season reforms resolutive"
"This political project marks the beginning of a new one, which we trust to be a reforming season". Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Chamber says so. "I have always understood my role as a service to the country - continues Conte - and in exercising my service I have always tried to look at the common good without letting the interests of others prevail". "A political and social pact". This is what the Conte II government is proposing to Parliament today. . Illustrating the programmatic declarations of the new executive, the Prime Minister said in the courtroom at Montecitorio: "The program I am going to illustrate is not a mere list of heterogeneous proposals that overlap with one another, nor is it mere summing up the different positions taken by the political forces that have intended to support this initiative, on the contrary, a programmatic synthesis that draws the Italy of the future: it is a government project of the country, strongly characterized on the political level, which predicts specifics answers to the expectations and the needs of the citizens, answers that we commit ourselves to achieve with the work and commitment of the women and men who sit here by my side "." It is a program - he continued - that has the ambition of outline the society in which we want to live ourselves, that we already have some years on our shoulders, but above all the society we want to deliver to our children and our grandchildren, in the the awareness that the "political and social pact" that today we propose to you and to all citizens, is necessarily projected, to be sustainable, in an intergenerational dimension ".

"Sobriety and rigor through trust"
It is necessary to recover "sobriety and rigor so that our citizens can see with renewed confidence in the institutions". The premier says. "We are committed to being patient also in language - he continues - measuring it on the need for understanding. The language of the government will be a" mild "language, because we are aware that the force of our action will not be measured by the arrogance of our words" . "Citizens look at us, they listen to us, they wait for us a word and an action up to the function to which we are called", he adds.

"Maneuver for growth and sustainable development"
"There are many challenges that await us, starting with the next budget session, which will guide the country towards a solid prospect of growth and sustainable development, even in a macroeconomic international context characterized by deep uncertainty".

Work and South
The challenge on the internal level is to expand the participation in the working life of the population groups hitherto excluded. They are concentrated above all among young people and women, particularly in the South. We want to offer them, like all other workers, job opportunities, adequate wages and living conditions worthy of a civilized country, of a country that, since 1948, has established, in its fundamental charter, the right of the worker to a free and dignified existence. We must therefore remove the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving this primary objective and which - unfortunately - are attributable to the most varied causes ".

School and family at the center: work on nursery schools
"Poor training, lack of knowledge and skills, difficulty in reconciling family life and working life" will be at the center of government action. "Quality schools and universities, nurseries and family services, especially those with children, will therefore be the first levers on which to act. The first, immediate intervention will be on nursery schools. This government will work for the total cancellation of the fee for kindergartens nest starting from 2020-2021 "for the lowest incomes.

"Progressive revision of motorway concessions"
"We will make the concession system more efficient and rational by carrying out a progressive and inexorable revision of the entire system. As for the issue of motorway concessions initiated following the collapse of the Morandi bridge, we will complete the procedure without any discount for private interests, having as an exclusive objective the protection of the public interest and the memory of the 43 victims, a tragedy that will remain an indelible page of our homeland history ". The premier says.

"Green new deal"
The Prime Minister, summoning Roosevelt, announces the launch of a "green new deal for urban regeneration", an articulated action for sustainable development that starts with environmental protection. For example with the stop to new concessions for drilling related to the extraction of hydrocarbons, with consequent energy conversion towards renewable sources. Among the other green objectives, the "protection of biodiversity and the seas", the fight against climate change and the start of a circular economy policy that favors the culture of recycling and definitively dismisses the culture of waste.

"Reducing taxes for the benefit of workers"
"In the perspective of a gradual re-modulation of the rates in support of medium and low incomes, in line with the fundamental constitutional principle of the progressiveness of taxation, our priority objective is to reduce taxes on labor - the so-called" tax wedge "- to the total advantage of workers, and to find a just wage - the so-called "minimum wage". "We must guarantee the maximum protections to the benefit of workers, also through the erga omnes effectiveness mechanism of collective agreements signed by the most representative trade unions".

"We aim to introduce a law on gender equality in wages: it is a battle that we want to carry out as soon as possible in homage to all women".

"Markets are investing with confidence in Italy"
"As shown by the significant reduction in interest rates compared to last October's levels, financial markets are investing with confidence in the new phase that Italy is going through. The decrease in interest payments paid on our public debt is a real" reform " structural ", because it allows us to loosen what has been the greatest brake on the growth of our country in recent decades". Conte says.

"Cutting the MPs"
Loud applause from the banks of the M5s when the premier tackles the topic of parliamentary cuts: "As regards the subject of constitutional reforms, it is our intention to ask for the inclusion, in the first useful calendar of the Chamber of Deputies, of the constitutional bill which provides for a reduction in the number of parliamentarians ". But he points out: "This reform must be accompanied by a path of constitutional guarantee, to allow all political forces to be represented in Parliament". Chorus "Bibbiano, Bibbiano" from the benches of the Lega and Fdi after the passage of the premier Giuseppe Conte on constitutional reform with the cut of the elected.

Differentiated autonomy
Conte ensures that the "process of differentiated autonomy" will be completed, but that it is "just and cooperative", ie with the aim of guaranteeing the citizens of all regions "the same quality of services", so as not to create "one country and two speeds".

"The government will undertake to defend public and universal health, valuing merit and preparing a plan of extraordinary hiring of doctors and nurses, strengthening their training pathways"

Relationship with Europe
Conte underlines the need to "improve the stability and growth pact and its application, to simplify the rules, avoid pro-cyclical effects, and support investments starting from those linked to environmental and social sustainability". Then he adds: "Defending the national interest does not mean abandoning oneself to sterile isolationist retreats. To defend the national interest means, as I have always tried to do, to put one's own country above everything and never be conditioned by pressure from economic powers and from undue external influences ".

Defense of information pluralism
"This government will also be particularly sensitive in promoting information pluralism. I thank the press for its irreplaceable role as a 'thermometer' of democracy: the guarantee of free, impartial and independent information is one of the nodes neuralgic that define the reliability and stability of our country and its institutions ".

"Managing migration with rigor and responsibility"
"The epochal migration phenomenon must be managed with rigor and responsibility, pursuing a multi-level modulated policy, based on an approach that is no longer emergent, but structural, which addresses the issue as a whole, also through the definition of an organic regulation that it pursues the fight against the illegal trafficking of persons, but that it proves itself capable of dealing more effectively with the issues of integration, for those who have the right to stay and repatriation, for those who do not have it ". And he announces "we will review the safety regulation in the light of the critical remarks made by the President of the Republic, which means recovering, in substance, the original formulation of the most recent decree law, before the integrations intervened which, during the conversion, have compromised the overall balance ".

Italian Euro-Atlantic placement
The President of the Council confirms Italy's placement on the European and Atlantic axis, reaffirming its membership of NATO. With particular attention to the Mediterranean, in particular for the stabilization of Libya, and to the Balkans. "This is the spirit with which we intend to continue to develop relations with the major global players - such as India, Russia and China - and with the areas of greatest interest for our production system. These relationships, which - even in perspective - we believe of fundamental importance, they must always be declined, as I have just said, in ways compatible with our Euro-Atlantic vocation ".

Conte invites ministers: responsible use of social networks
The premier Giuseppe Conte invites the members of the government to "sobriety that, I hope, can be contagious and positively orientate the behavior of citizens, starting with the responsible use of social networks, which not infrequently become receptacles of injurious expressions and verbal aggression ". Intervening in the Chamber in the Chamber, Conte said:" I cannot but stigmatize, once again, the ignoble attacks addressed, in recent days, to two of my ministers, Senator Teresa Bellanova and the Honorable Paola De Micheli, to which I renew my shared closeness. This is the moment of courage and determination ".

Speech Count at the Chamber lasted an hour and 25 minutes
The intervention in the Chamber in the Chamber of Giuseppe Conte to ask for trust lasted an hour and 25 minutes. The speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause from the majority and opposition disputes. A chorus with the cry 'Armchair, armchair' started from the benches of the League towards the end of the speech of the premier Giuseppe Conte. Someone has also called for "elections".

Franceschini, progressive speech, hate season ending
"Today the season of malice, hatred and I think we can look ahead. Conte's speech is highly innovative, reformist, progressive. The government is supported by forces that were adversaries: now we roll up our sleeves and try to do our best for the country ". This was declared by the minister and head of the Democratic Party in government, Dario Franceschini, after Conte's speech. "A strong idea for all of us is that of free nursery schools for the less well off", he adds.

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