Teller Report

Korea ’s Cho ’s appointment as legal minister

9/9/2019, 7:32:10 PM

South Korea ’s Minister of Justice Cho Guk, who took office on the 9th, said that President Moon Jae-in ’s reform of the prosecution is an important issue because he is too powerful.

South Korea Cho ’s appointment as legal minister

South Korea ’s Minister of Justice Cho Guk, who took office on the 9th, expressed his willingness to reform the prosecution, which President Moon Jae-in said as an important issue, because he was too powerful. However, it is inevitable that the confrontation between the rebellious conservatives and the supportive innovations will be sharpened by the appointment of Cho Ho, who is in the midst of suspicion such as illegal enrollment of his daughter.

Cho, who was appointed on the 9th by President Mun, said at the inauguration that "I was appointed to finish the prosecution reform, and the mission required by the times," and pointed out that the authority is too strong. Showed a willingness to reform the prosecution.

The prosecution reform that the Roh Moo-hyun administration did not realize before was an important issue raised by President Moon who supported the Roh administration at the center, and he was entrusted with the leadership.

However, over Cho's law, suspicions such as illegal admission of his daughter to prestigious universities and uncertain investment in the whole family are raised, and the prosecution has decided to prosecute his wife at home and forcibly investigate related parties.

Under these circumstances, the appointment of the top of the judicial administration has been forced, and the confrontation that repels and opposes the largest opposition party, such as “fighting in all possible ways,” and the innovative group that supports it. It seems inevitable that the conflict will sharpen.

In addition, a meeting of students protesting the appointment was held at Seoul National University where Cho Ho was a professor on the evening of the 9th, and there is a possibility that the youth group who supported President Mun in the future will move away.