Teller Report

For emergencies, a pact at 750 million euros but without extra bed

9/9/2019, 8:50:28 PM

Some 750 million euros will be spent to relieve emergencies, said Monday the Minister of Health. However, its "refoundation pact" does not offer the beds or the additional staff ...

Will the measures announced be the reason for the mobilization? Accused by the unprecedented strike affecting hospital emergency departments for nearly six months, Health Minister Agnès Buzyn detailed Monday, September 9, a "refoundation pact" of 750 million euros over three years. But it does not provide for the extra beds or staff required by the strikers.

Creation of a "service of access to care", 50 new medical homes, emergency funding reform ... Some new features were among the dozens of measures unveiled Monday by the Minister.

A first salvo was announced last week: the direct admission of the elderly without going through emergencies, the video-assistance between the Ehpad and the regulators of Samu, or the sending of an ambulance to a liberal doctor for the least serious cases.

Unblock emergencies

"The time is no longer the report but the solutions," said the minister to the press after meeting with representatives of hospital staff and leaders, unions of liberal doctors and collective Inter-Emergency, at the origin of the strike.

In total, between 2019 and 2022, "more than 750 million euros" will be devoted to this plan to relieve emergencies by relying more on urban medicine and accelerating the care.

"By including the 70 million delegates from July 2019 to finance the emergency premium" and the summer reinforcements announced in June by the Minister, as well as certain measures of the "My Health 2022" plan, the effort amounts to more than a billion euros, summed up the minister.

"Access to care service"

There is "nothing on the beds, nothing on the posts", immediately regretted Hugo Huon, president of the collective Inter-Emergency. Not to mention the wage demands, also at the heart of the claims.

"Before opening beds I would like to optimize (their) management" within hospital groups of territory, explained the minister, which does not exclude to come back in a second time if the proposed solutions s' prove "insufficient".

In the immediate future, she says she prefers to focus on setting up, by the summer of 2020, an access to care service (SAS).

Online or by phone, 24 hours a day, this service will refer patients to a city consultation or teleconsultation or to emergencies, possibly via an ambulance.

100 net bonus for medical regulatory assistants

A "two-month" consultation will open between private doctors, hospital professionals and firefighters, the minister said, without pronouncing on the introduction of a single emergency number to replace existing numbers (15, 18). , 112, 116-117). A debate that has lasted for several years.

A monthly net premium of 100 euros will also be paid to medical regulatory assistants from November, the minister said.

A treatment intended to limit the saturation of services whose attendance has more than doubled in twenty years, reaching 21.4 million passages in 2017.

But not enough to satisfy Hugo Huon. The minister "completely refuses to upgrade the care professions, there is such a denial of paramedical professions, it's pretty crazy," he told AFP. Recalling that the group was to meet Tuesday in the General Assembly, he said that "people [were] very skeptical" about these ads.

With AFP