Teller Report

Back and Bro Saudi prisons .. Two years behind bars

9/9/2019, 8:44:16 PM

The Saudi Prisoners of Conscience Account has launched a campaign on social media sites called "Two Years of September Arrests" to press for the release of prisoners of conscience.

The account called for Twitter through this tag victory for prisoners of opinion coincided with the passage of two years since the start of what he described as the fiercest campaign of arbitrary arrests in Saudi Arabia.

Immediately, the Twitter platform was filled with many posts demanding the immediate release of the detained scholars, sheikhs and opinion leaders.

In September 2017, Saudi authorities launched a campaign targeting prominent scientific names such as Salman al-Awda, Nasser al-Omar, Awad al-Qarni and Ali al-Omari, as well as hundreds of Awakening symbols from academics, economists, writers and journalists.

للغاية Extremely important
Two years after the start of the fiercest arbitrary arrests campaign (in September 2017), we call on everyone to prepare to participate tomorrow, Monday 9/9/2019 in the largest campaign of support for prisoners of conscience, since the early morning hours and throughout the day.
Twitter with a tag: # 2 years_ September_

- Detainees of opinion (@ m3takl) September 8, 2019

The Detainees account showed photos of the most prominent detainees in September, and said hundreds more were still unknown.

Among the interactions under the label "# Two years_Arrests_September" Abdullah al-Odah, son of detained Saudi preacher Salman al-Odah wrote:

The same fabricated government announcement in Saudi Arabia on the day of Khashoggi's death on `` Saudi Arabia's receipt of a wanted citizen '' was a similar announcement at the beginning of the arrests in September 2017 that spoke of an 'intelligence cell', a declaration that was fabricated specifically to mislead public opinion and justify repression, torture and persecution.

Two years ago, one of the worst periods of repression and arbitrary arrests in the country's history began.
My father was arrested on this day .. For many months without contact .. He suffered difficult circumstances because of torture behaviors: including sleep deprivation and treatment! # 2 years_Ali_Arrest_September

- Dr. September 9, 2019

In turn, activist Turki Al-Shalhoub wrote: Believe it or not .. One of the charges against Sheikh Salman Al-Awda is "participating in the establishment of an organization to defend the Prophet ﷺ, and also the charge of not praying for the guardian enough, defending the Prophet ﷺ has become a crime, in When defending the Zionists and normalizing with them is not a crime. "

Commenting on a picture of prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia, blogger Abdul Aziz al-Rasheed said: "We all know the people who are present, the picture and we know how dangerous they are to our country. Extremist ideas and spreading them to people, participating in supporting terrorism and terrorist and extremist groups? ".

🔴 In the September arrests, many behind bars have paid a heavy price for their moderate ideas and great popularity, which the authorities feared as a "popular alternative".
To what extent have the authorities continued to criminalize these detainees? #Two years on September arrests

- Detainees of opinion (@ m3takl) September 9, 2019

Irish human rights lawyer Noel Kilbig wrote: `` There must be global pressure on the Saudis to stop crimes against humanity.Abuse has worsened under the crown prince.I call on Western countries to force the Saudis to stop the torture and ill-treatment of even peaceful women.

The blogger Hussein al-Qahtani looked at the picture more broadly than the subject of the detainees.

Imagine the magnitude of the disaster .. This creator and creature Dr. # Ali_Amri, is in prison, and subjected to torture, and may be executed. While the mercenaries who left no one but insulted them with the dirtiest words, and even Islam did not escape their rotten tongues, the government rounded them up and honored them!

- Turki Al Shalhoub (@TurkiShalhoub) September 9, 2019

Al-Marghid and activist Fahad Al-Ghufaili considered the crisis of detainees as part of the governance crisis in general. He accuses him of treason, teaches himself that he is an infringing tyrant, and seeks to silence millions with repression. "

🔴 Here is an updated list of prisoners of conscience who have been identified since September 2017.
Freedom for all of them. # Two years on September arrests

- Detainees of opinion (@ m3takl) September 9, 2019

# Two years on September arrests
Faraj Allah anguish plural and unpack their families

- Dr. Mohamed Saghir (@drassagheer) September 9, 2019

# 2 years_Arrests_September and do not forget the old prisoners Walid Abu al-Khair Samar Badawi Abdullah al-Hamid Mohammed al-Qahtani Raef Badawi and more

- Madawi Al-Rasheed (@MadawiDr) September 9, 2019