Teller Report

Apnea: French Bourc'his world champion with a descent to 91 m without palm

9/9/2019, 6:38:10 PM

Apnea: French Bourc'his world champion with a descent to 91 m without palm

Paris (AFP)

The Frenchman Morgan Bourc'his propelled himself 91 meters deep to remove the title of world champion in constant weight without palm, the third coronation of his career, Monday in the bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes ), far ahead of his compatriot Abdelatif Alouach (83 m).

Bourc'his, 41, captained the world crown after breaking his personal best, or 90m in 2015. Individual World Champion in 2013 and team in 2008, he again excelled Monday at the Worlds-2019 AIDA (International Association for the Development of Apnea).

"At 41, I'm still able to beat my performances, it's nice to have the ability to master, it's a great reward, it lets me say I'm doing things not too bad!" was delighted with AFP the diver, engaged in its 13th and last world championships.

Bourc'his, who had made the biggest pitching announcement tied with Russia's Alexey Molchanov (91m), was the first of the competitors to dive in particularly turbulent conditions due to the swell. Several athletes made syncopations, like Molchanov, world record holder with fins (130 m), who was in fact, disqualified (red card).

"It's still very impressive, the platform is gigantic, it moves, it creaks, I never had to go first and in hindsight, I'm very happy because after me, there was 4 or 5 red cards, "said the Marseilles adoption, which," marked by the effort ", does not remember" all that happened at the exit "of the water.

"I took a little time to realize, it's still committed dives.I come back to me, everyone applauds me.I know I hit a big blow," he recalled.

Bourc'his, who had an "execrable night" due to the stress of the game, offered his 8th World Medal.

He draws a line on the Worlds, but should continue to align with international competitions such as the Vertical Blue in the Bahamas, very popular with the best freedivers.

Instructor, organizer of internships but also speaker in company, it opens a new door with a documentary on the great cetaceans with which it will go swimming at the beginning of November in Norway.

© 2019 AFP