Teller Report

A delegation of American public activists arrived in Crimea

9/9/2019, 6:29:22 PM

A delegation of representatives of the American organization Center for Civil Initiatives arrived in Crimea with a study visit. This was stated by the coordinator of the visit, chairman of the Union of Journalists of Sevastopol Sergey Gorbachev.

“The visit of the delegation of social activists of the Center for Civil Initiatives (USA) began with a visit to Simferopol. The delegation consists of four people, ”RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

He added that the purpose of the visit of social activists from the USA is to familiarize themselves with the situation on the peninsula from the inside. They also intend to see what Crimea has achieved over the past five years.

On September 10, a delegation from the United States will also visit Sevastopol.

In mid-September, a delegation from Greece will arrive in Crimea on an official visit.

Crimea became the Russian region after a referendum held in March 2014, in which most residents spoke out for reunification with Russia.