Teller Report

The Yemeni army surrounds the militia stronghold in Saada from eight sides

9/8/2019, 10:09:12 PM

Field sources confirmed that the battles and military operations of the Yemeni army, supported by the Arab coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia, surrounded the stronghold of Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup militia, in the Marran area of ​​Haidan district in Saada

Field sources confirmed that the battles and military operations of the Yemeni army, supported by the Arab coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia, encircled the stronghold of Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup militia, in the Marran area of ​​Haidan district in Saada from eight directions, while escalation operations continued And abuses by militias on the West Coast and Dali fronts.

In detail, field and local sources in Saada, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed Houthi coup militia, confirmed that Houthi elements had begun large-scale mobilization of Haidan elements in Haidan district, the birthplace of Abdul Malik al-Houthi, to defend the Maran area, where the Yemeni army forces, supported by the Arab Coalition, entered. A military operation started last Friday.

The sources pointed out that the militias after receiving significant losses, began a large mobilization operations, from its members from several areas to Maran and Saada fronts in general, pointing out that the militias are suffering a real shortage of fighters in Saada, pointing out that the Houthi militias, after losing many of its fighters, and after The refusal of tribes in the province of Dhamar to provide more fighters, had to send some of its leaders, who are described as «Zanabeel», to fight on the fronts of the border.

The Yemeni army, supported by coalition forces, is engaged in large-scale military operations in more than eight combat axes in the Houthi stronghold in Sa'ada governorate directorates, most notably those heading towards Qatabir district, which separates Yemeni forces from the center of Sa'da governorate, along with the fronts of Haidan, Razeh, Kattaf, Baqam, Hashwa and Shada. .

A number of Houthi militia members, including prominent field commanders, were killed in fighting in Sa'ada governorate, the main Houthi stronghold, as a result of confrontations with the Yemeni army and raids by the Alliance for Legitimacy Support, including Qais al-Hamdani, Mustafa al-Shabibi, Muhammad Najib al-Hazheq, Abu Shaher al-Samawi, Lutf Abdullah al-Khalqi and others. .

In the fronts of Nuham, northeast of the capital Sanaa, military sources confirmed that the army began repositioning operations and positioned in several areas in fronts of Nuham and Hareb Nehm, adjacent to the province of Marib from the point of Serwah.

More than 20 Houthis were killed in clashes and shelling of the coalition east of Sanaa, which targeted Houthi reinforcements in Huraib Nahm area, which resulted in the destruction of military vehicles carrying armed elements belonging to the militias that resulted in the great loss of life and equipment.

For his part, the media center of the Yemeni army was able to launch a counter-attack on the positions of militias in the front of Hareb Nahm, during which they were able to liberate a number of sites, including Albzakh and Nabqan, and the fighting resulted in the death and injury of a number of militia members.

Violations and violations of the Houthi militias escalated in the Duraimi Directorate and the various directorates of Hodeidah province, according to field sources at Duraimi Directorate, pointing out that the militias bombed and targeted the positions of the Yemeni joint forces east of the Directorate with various heavy and medium weapons, including mortar shells and caliber 120 caliber shells 82 were fired with artillery shells B10; also fired on positions of the Pica rate weapon, weapon 14.5 and weapon 12.7.

The militias also continued to launch artillery shelling at the joint forces positions in the mountainous area of ​​Al-Tahita district, south of Hodeidah governorate, with various types of weapons, centered on the mountainous area targeted by the militias with heavy artillery and used 82-mm mortar shells and Hauser and medium machine guns, and used modified weapon Pica and weapon 14.5 and weapon 12.7.

According to field sources of the joint forces in the west coast, their positions, in the area of ​​«Kilo 16» and east of the city of Saleh and fifty Street and near the College of Engineering, and another around the hospital «May 22» inside the city of Hodeidah, was bombarded and targeted with heavy weapons and medium machine gun. She explained that the shelling of the Houthi militias, continued at intervals from dawn to Saturday evening, during which heavy weapons, including 120-caliber mortars and 82-caliber artillery shells, were used in conjunction with intensive targeting operations Pika rate weapon and 14.5 and 12.7.

The escalation of militias coincided with the coordination committee meeting for the second day, in one of the ships anchored near the port of Hodeidah, and began its sixth meeting, and included joint redeployment committees chaired by Acting Chairman of the International Redeployment Committee, Brigadier Hani Nakhla, and ambiguity surrounded the atmosphere of the maritime meeting and fate Expected, in the absence of statements and statements.

The delegates of the legitimate government and Houthi militias are participating in the meeting, which is being held aboard the ship "Antarctic Dream", where it is scheduled to replace the retired Indian team Abahjat Goha, head of the United Nations Observer Mission in Hodeidah, succeeding the Danish Michael Lollisgaard.

In al-Dhale'e, Houthi militias continue to indiscriminately target Katyusha rockets on the populated villages of Mreis, north of al-Dhale'e, as part of its ongoing crimes against the people of the governorate. The line of contact at the Maris district, as a result of a landmine explosion, at noon yesterday, on his way to his farm.

In al-Bayda, a number of Houthi gunmen were killed and others were injured in a large-scale offensive by the Popular Resistance in al-Zaher district in al-Bayda governorate.

Local sources in the Directorate of Al-Zaher, said that all Houthi militia positions in Al-Habaj, Wadi Qashash, Skulls and Al-Aryl came under late attack yesterday by the resistance of Al-Hmaikan. It said violent clashes erupted between the two sides amid the advance of the Hmaikan under heavy gunfire from artillery.

The fighting, according to sources, killed and wounded a large number of Houthi militias, pointing to the explosion of a Houthi mine with a group of Houthis in the area of ​​Korbat al-Sawadnah, killing and wounding a number of them.

Al-Houthi militias continued their indiscriminate targeting with Katyusha rockets to the inhabited villages of Maris, north of Al-Dhalea, as part of their ongoing series of crimes against the people of the province.