Teller Report

The employer's contribution is reduced by SEK 6 billion per year

9/8/2019, 5:02:04 PM

The employer's contribution for those who want to employ young and new arrivals is reduced by just over SEK 6 billion in three years. The tax cut is part of the government's settlement with the Center Party and the Liberals. - This means that more people can go from grants and into work, says Annie Lööf (C).

These are three groups where employers' contributions are lowered, so that they can more easily enter the labor market. For young, newly arrived and long-term unemployed, the employer's contribution is reduced by two-thirds, from 31.42 to 10.21 percent.

- This initiative will be powerful because it is a clear focus on these groups and within a certain time frame, says Center Party Party leader Annie Lööf.

Lööf: "Has brought us criticism"

Already under the Alliance government, tax relief was introduced for the companies that employed young people. But research studies already showed in 2013 that tax subsidies were expensive compared to how many people got jobs. And there were few brand new jobs created.

- We have accepted the criticism that came then that it was an expensive reform. So now that we have done this, it has become more specific to these groups that are far from the labor market, says Annie Lööf.