Teller Report

Salvini in the square with Fratelli d'Italia, no Forza Italia. Divided on center-right

9/8/2019, 5:56:16 PM

The Cav: liberal space or do not win. This week will see the leader of the League

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08 September 2019 The center-right seeks to take measures, at the moment with a clear contrast between Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi, in view of the Fratelli d'Italia event in Piazza Montecitorio on the occasion of the vote of confidence in the Conte government. The leader of the League has confirmed that he will be in the streets of Montecitorio alongside Giorgia Meloni. And there will also be Giovanni Toti, who founded 'Cambiamo' coming out of Fi, which instead says no to a street opposition and relaunches a unitary project by the center with a "republican" dialectic in parliamentary classrooms, without sovereign spurs. Distant and distinct situations, at the moment, which could, however, find a moment of confrontation in a face-to-face meeting between the former Interior Minister and the blue leader.

If for Toti to take to the streets with Meloni and Salvini it is "a good sign of unity of the opposition", for the unity of the center-right, in a planning key, the big names of Forza Italia refer to the youth campus 'Everest' of Giovinazzo (Bari ): where we saw, among others, Antonio Tajani, the leaders of the Chamber and Senate, Maria Stella Gelmini and Anna Maria Bernini, the promoter Maurizio Gasparri. "Whenever the center-right has joined together - Bernini explained - he has won and Berlusconi remembers him as the founder of the center. He rightly remembers that the center must exist to be generous, inclusive, strong and broad, and all the components of the center must have the same capacity for inclusiveness, generosity and ability to articulate common policies ".

On the Silvio Berlusconi campus he sent an articulate political message, claiming that it is up to Forza Italia now - with the advent of the government perhaps "more to the left in the history of the Republic" - "to build an alternative, center-right, which is not the right sovereignist ". Because that "right will never win, alone, and if it won it would not be able to govern". "It is necessary to reconstruct - he states - the political space of liberals, Catholics, reformers, traditions on which the free democracies of the West are based. We are the only coherent heirs of those ideas". And "we will do it - he adds - in Parliament, a place of popular sovereignty, but also in the squares, if they try to get their hands in the pockets of Italians or still limit our freedom".

Squares yes, but not that of Montecitorio tomorrow, Bernini underlines: "These are our squares - he told Everest - not Montecitorio during the trust. Our squares are the territories, not the squares of the protest but that of the proposal of solutions for the country". Salvini tries to joke in responding to Berlusconi (he no longer understands me? "He'll be talking about Milan") but Piazza Montecitorio is a watershed, a test of strength for the center-right leadership. So much so that to the question whether he is disappointed by the lack of presence of Forza Italia, he answers as follows: "No, because it will be a square without party flags and without symbols. Whoever is there is free to be there as a citizen". In short, almost a masked invitation to the Forces to disobey Berlusconi and go the same tomorrow in Piazza Montecitorio. Invoking them also with the promise that the League will be able to bring "a human river to Rome" on 19 October.