Teller Report

Gargash: Trump's decision to cancel meeting with Taliban and end negotiations "Saeb"

9/8/2019, 2:41:04 PM

US President Donald Trump's decision to cancel his meeting with the Taliban and end the negotiations is the right one, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Mohammed Gargash said in his Twitter account.

US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Mohammad Gargash said today that US President Donald Trump's decision to cancel his meeting with the Taliban and end the negotiations is the right one.

Gargash posted on his Twitter account: "President Trump's decision to cancel his meeting with the Taliban and end the negotiations is right. How do you negotiate for peace on the one hand and continue to practice violence and terrorism on the other? True and sustainable reconciliation must be built on transparency and clarity." And renounce extremism and terrorism. "

The Trump announced via "Twitter", yesterday, the cancellation of secret meetings and separate scheduled to be held at the Camp David today with senior Taliban leaders, and with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.