Teller Report

The head of the Pentagon called on Russia to behave "like a normal country"

9/7/2019, 2:41:26 PM

Russia should behave “as a more normal country that shares Western values” if it intends to work together with the United States, said Pentagon chief Mark Esper during a speech in Paris.

“Russia continues to contribute to instability, as it violates the territorial integrity of its neighbors,” RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

As Esper stated, “it would be great” if Russia “could behave like a more normal country that shares Western values ​​shared by the United States, France and other NATO allies.”

“Russia needs to change its behavior and behave in accordance with the rules and norms that we have established. This is the best way to move forward, ”said the head of the Pentagon. According to the agency, Esper made this statement in response to the words of French President Emmanuel Macron that pushing Russia away is a strategic mistake.

Earlier, Macron called for a thorough "shuffle of cards" in relations with Russia.

According to him, the era of Western dominance in the world is ending.