Teller Report

The expert appreciated the words of Poroshenko about involvement in the exchange of Russia and Ukraine

9/7/2019, 3:17:03 PM

Political analyst Ivan Mezyukho commented in a conversation with RT on the statement of the ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about his involvement in the exchange of held persons between Moscow and Kiev.

“Poroshenko would like to exchange citizens between Russia and Ukraine, but during his own presidency. As part of the presidential campaign, the Poroshenko team assumed that Moscow would go for an exchange of citizens, and thus Petr Alekseevich would increase his electoral rating ... Poroshenko is now in complete despair, and he is assuming other people's victories, ”the political scientist said.

A similar exchange was possible under Poroshenko, the expert noted. However, in his opinion, the anti-Russian rhetoric of his team "set political goals higher than Ukrainian citizens."

Poroshenko praised himself and representatives of the previous government in the country after the exchange of held persons between Russia and Ukraine.

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