Teller Report

Macarena Gómez: "Radical feminism is continuously degrading man"

9/7/2019, 3:38:09 PM

Macarena Gómez (Córdoba 1978) She has been giving life to Lola Trujillo for 12 years in the television series La que se avecina, and many more making films. His latest projects are related

Macarena Gómez (Córdoba 1978) She has been giving life to Lola Trujillo for 12 years in the television series La que se avecina , and many more making films. His latest projects are related to José Luis Garci and Álex de la Iglesia.

It is not usual for someone from the world of cinema to quote me at 8.45 hours to do an interview. Those of his profession are usually night owls ... Noooo, not at all ... To roll for example The one that is coming I get up at six. I almost always have the alarm set at that time. In general, it rolls very early. No, we are not so night owls. His father and mother are doctors. What led you to become an actress? I had an uncle writer, my uncle Antonio Pereira, who was a little artist, was a storyteller, told stories. And my father has always been very theatrical. To such an extent that in the filming of directors who are my friends I always put my parents to make special figurations, they always have their plans. But I think it all comes because, when I was four years old, my parents pointed my sister and me to ballet classes ... And how did she jump from ballet to interpretation? To dance I started to climb from a very young age to a stage, and I loved it. I also liked to interpret the music, the great classics that the teacher gave us. Not only did I dance to them, but I was very excited about music and played it, I lived it a lot. My teacher put me many alone not because of my qualities as a dancer but because she told me she was the most theatrical of all. In addition, my parents have always instilled in me the love for art. As a child I was going to see poetry, flamenco, opera, cinema recitals ... And if I hadn't been an actress, what would you like to have been? Well, I think that doctor, like my parents. I wouldn't mind being a doctor. Or something related to the History of Art, a career that I started studying at UNED but that I never finished due to lack of time. And I also like archeology a lot, maybe I would have become an archaeologist, I don't know. You are an actress with many records, capable of doing comedy, drama, terror ... What is the most difficult? Making laugh is the most difficult of the world, is something very complicated. And I think that comic ability is something innate. You can learn techniques to make people laugh, yes, but you have to have that innate spark. And you have it or you don't have it. You studied drama, didn't you? Yes, in London. And what did he learn? Well, since I didn't know anything, absolutely nothing, I learned a lot, it was an excellent teaching. Although I don't know what I used when working, I couldn't define it. Also because I have been learning from experience, what has taught me the most is the experience. However, I think it is essential to study drama. Every time I meet young girls who say they want to be actresses and ask me what they can do, I advise everyone to study drama. Among other things, because that is how you find out whether or not you do this, whether you like it or not. Are you improvising? Michael Caine says in a book that the character is what is written, that the character is what the script says . Sometimes you find scripts so good that you don't need to build the character further, you are what the script says, you are what you are saying. In general, secondary characters are more difficult for me, because you have less information about them, they are less defined, less described. It is much more difficult to make a secondary character or a special figuration than a leading role because you have much less information, they say very little about it in the text and you have to build it practically from nothing. I am very respectful and faithful with the texts, changing something seems disrespectful to the screenwriter or director. I don't like to improvise with the texts. I just shot the prequel to 'El crack' with Jose Luis Garci. How was the experience? I am a very long-time Garci fan, because my parents are very fans of Garci and they took me a lot to the movies. I grew up watching movies by Garci and Almodóvar, two very opposite directors. I get along very well with Garci. When he called me for this movie, he surprised me, he was also a little scared and I asked him if he knew me for the series La que se avecina . He replied: "He who is an actor is an actor. And an actor is to be able to do anything." Garci is a very cultured person and with whom one can dialogue very well. It has a leisurely rhythm, another tempo. It does not have, for example, the frenetic rhythm of the looming one or of Álex de la Iglesia. And what is the most difficult thing to work with Garci? For me the most difficult thing is that with him I have to lower my energy level, adrenaline, because I am always full. With Alex de la Iglesia he is shooting a series for Netflix ... How was the experience? I really like it. With it you take many risks, it's a kamikaze. But I love it. I am a very action actress, I would love to be given a Tomb Raider movie or something. I would be happy hanging on harnesses and jumping. Confess: Are you not tired of doing 'La que se avecina', a series in which it has been 12 years? No, I am very happy, because they also do not require me exclusivity. So I can do the series and do other things. When my character in La que se avecina goes for example on a trip to Colombia or separates or whatever it is because I am with other projects, being an actress, is she asked a lot lately in the interviews by the MeToo? That of the MeToo is over . Is it that it has re-emerged? Well, in the current Venice Film Festival there has been quite controversial: because of the shortage of female directors (there are only two movies directed by women of the 21 first prize candidates) and because Lucrecia Martel, The president of the jury has boycotted Roman Polanski, in search and capture in the United States accused of rape ... Oh ... That is a problematic issue. I don't know, maybe there were only two good movies about women ... I believe so much in meritocracy that I have never considered whether there are more men or women in my work. I don't think about it. In addition, almost all team leaders are women. In my series the director is a woman, the producer is a woman, the production director is a woman ... Have you ever suffered any type of harassment in your profession? Once a journalist, on a red carpet, asked me insistently: "What? Tell me! Tell me some anecdote ..." Nothing has ever happened to me, no one has ever hinted at me at all. So I can't talk about something that I haven't lived in my flesh, but maybe he knows someone from his profession who has lived it ... No, I don't know. Do not know anyone. And, above all, I don't think it's something that should be associated with the profession of actress or artist. Surely it happens absolutely in all professions. The person who has a position of power can always abuse the other, both physically and psychologically. On some occasion he has declared that he is not a feminist. Is that so? No, no, no. What I am not is a radical feminist or, as they say now, 'feminazi'. Do you think there is a radical feminism? Yes. And how is that radical feminism? For me, radical feminism is those women who are continually degrading man , considering that man is bad for everything. I have had many discussions on this subject with women, with partners, with lifelong friends. In my house I was educated very well, in my house I have never seen machismo and my husband is zero macho, he makes me dinner every day and it does not occur to him to sit on the sofa and tell me to do it. I have not lived through machismo.But maybe you are paid less than your fellow men just for being a woman ... I don't know, I don't know what they pay to others. That can never be asked. The first thing my representative taught me when I started in this profession is that in life you can NEVER ask about the salary of your colleagues, never. And I have never asked him, and if he discovered that an actor earns more than you for doing the same job, wouldn't it bother him? For example, in the case of an actress and an actor in a television series, statistics can show that in the minute he leaves there is more audience than in the minute I leave, and I can understand that he may receive A salary higher than mine. But there may also be better-paid colleagues of mine than me, and surely I have been in the profession for more years than they have.

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  • Final Interview
  • Cinema and Series
  • Netflix
  • culture

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