Teller Report

Here are the critics' Hasse o Tage favorites

9/7/2019, 5:05:15 AM

This weekend Jane Magnusson's documentary Hasse o Tage - a love story goes to the movies. They were both portal figures in the Swedish cultural and entertainment history and basically everyone loved their reviews, films and sketches. The cultural news asked four critics to share their Hasse o Tage favorites.

First up is the film critic Fredrik Sahlin, who remembers the traumatizing humor in The Egg is resolved:

- There are so many crazy memories to choose from, but the egg is loose is probably the movie that left the biggest mental track, he says.

- I saw it in my youth yard eons ago. The sequence in which Gösta Ekman's role figure stands firmly in a pond, with only his face over the surface, and in winter gets a youngster's skate in his forehead, effectively triggered both my fear of cramped spaces and dark water. I still prefer to skate on the rolled track in a large ice rink.

Anna Hedelius, theater critic: Lindeman

- As a child, my big brother and I listened to Lindeman very much. Parts of those sketches I can still out today. And when Lindeman's box came in a collection issue about ten years ago, I bought the whole ratchet, so that even my children can have fun with Lindeman's all the creations.

- Of course, in the sketches there are many adult references that pass a child. That's why it's so fun to listen to them again and understand what a phenomenal combination of the lowest bargain humor and refined satire they stand for.

- I've also been thinking a lot about how Hasses and Tage's unique interaction is based a lot on the most important building blocks of the improvisation theater - to say yes to impulses instead of blocking. That, I think, is something you can benefit from not only in improvisation and humor, but in life at large.

Photo: Linda Ekström

Ella Petersson, opera critic: Miss Fleggman's Mustache

- I think I've seen Miss Fleggman's mustache a hundred times. Most probably because it was almost the only entertainment at VHS we had then. But as a child, I had a genuinely happy feeling that I was schooled when I saw it. Partly because the dramaturgy stretched from before the Kreugerk crash to the 1980s it premiered, and because it was revolutionary for me as a child that people could be different in mood so pure in nature.

- They have based the characters on Greek human pathology on the four bodily fluids. Miss Fleggman is of course a phlegmatic ... I myself thought I was probably a melancholic. But that's probably all kids, maybe. ...

Photo: Disc cover by Per Åhlin

Ulrika Milles, Literary Critic: Floral Falukorv

- Floral fallow sausage slice. A good disguise name, because really it was dynamite for the nursery on that record with Per Åhlins yellow-red drawing on. "The Adventures of Charles XV" is a song for all Republicans, "You will be called" a fiery anthem for all identity doubters, "Doda-doda" a weapon of integrity against every pompous "hostile uncle".

- But it was the trinity in "Porn bits for the little ones" that was the thing, and in particular "Knut med jokelynn" that contained the basically unbearable lines kiss on the poop. Everybody kisses on poop it fades out, and we closed the double doors at C.'s house that had got the record, I mean the drug.

- The adult voice singing was mascoping with what was happening in our world, but outside it was a different reality. One day we would be forced to switch one to the other, but so far we sat at the campfire talking home-made TV-American that only children can understand. The camel's groduel gown is not allowed.