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Give birth to twins at age 74 Husband is 82 years old India | NHK News

9/7/2019, 7:38:03 PM

A 74-year-old woman gave birth to twin babies in India. Husband is 82 years old, and the couple is the first by in vitro fertilization after many years of fertility treatment ...

Give birth to twins at age 74 Husband is 82 years old India September 8th 4:33

A 74-year-old woman gave birth to twin babies in India. My husband is 82 years old and my husband and wife have been treated for infertility after many years of infertility treatment and have their first child.

On the 5th at a hospital in Andhra Pradesh, southern India, a 74-year-old woman gave birth to twin baby girls by cesarean section.

According to the hospital, both mother and child are healthy.

According to the British public broadcast BBC, the husband was 82 years old and they married in 1962, 57 years ago, but they were not blessed with children and have been receiving infertility treatments at many hospitals for many years.

About one year ago, I went to an in vitro fertilization specialist, transplanted the egg from the donor and the fertilized egg from the husband's sperm into the uterus, and two months later the pregnancy was found.

The woman who gave birth told the media interview, “I am happiest in my life,” and the woman ’s 95-year-old mother said, “I want to have my grandchildren all the time, so I ’m happy to have both of them at the same time. It was.

The couple cited why they wanted a child until this year because they had been subject to various discrimination and harassment in the village because they had no children.

In rural areas of India, couples who do not have children are often abused in the community, and the female doctor pointed out, “Society that does not allow couples without children is the problem.”

The 82-year-old husband had a heart attack the day after the child was born and was hospitalized.

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