Teller Report

Dubai Roads welcomes the school year with innovative awareness events

9/7/2019, 10:15:37 PM

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) received the school year with a number of awareness activities for students and drivers, in addition to many technical measures to avoid traffic congestion in school areas.

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) received the school year with a number of awareness activities for students and drivers, in addition to many technical measures to avoid traffic congestion in school areas.

The Executive Director of the Traffic and Roads Authority at the Authority, Eng. Maitha Bin Adi, confirmed the continuation of the plans of the traffic safety strategy in Dubai, which includes four main axes, namely: control and control axis, and the axis of road and vehicle engineering, and the axis of systems development and management, as well as traffic awareness. It focuses on raising the level of traffic awareness among school students, as well as reducing pedestrian accidents, and developing the level of traffic culture for all road users. The awareness for school students at the beginning of the school year is part of the “Back to School” campaign supervised by the Ministry of Interior.

She said that the awareness and technical teams in the Foundation are ready to resume awareness programs and activities in schools, and monitor traffic at traffic lights, and adjust their timing to suit and facilitate traffic in school areas and nearby streets, where experts and traffic safety and awareness officials in the institution to develop engineering plans and awareness It is reviewed and developed annually, and has resulted in great successes, reflected in the statistics and figures of traffic accidents in schools and surrounding areas during the past years.

She explained that the Foundation has completed the pilot phase of the smart safety bus launched by the Authority in February, in order to devote traffic awareness among students aged (6-14 years), a school bus has been redesigned from home and abroad, programs and screens smart and electronic The aim of the events is to keep schools free of traffic deaths, and to maintain the rate that we have maintained since 2010, which is (zero deaths) in the vicinity of schools, in addition to «improve traffic behavior, and instill a culture of traffic safety for young people and community members».