Teller Report

Children of jihadists: "France will be condemned to let them die"

9/7/2019, 6:14:03 PM

Interviewed by Fabienne Le Moal on Europe 1, & nbsp; Henri Leclerc, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights, believes that France is able to organize a collective repatriation of French children of jihadists, still detained in some camps.

Interviewed by Fabienne Le Moal on Europe 1, Henri Leclerc, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights, believes that France is able to organize a collective repatriation of French children of jihadists, still held in camps .


For months, he has taken up the cause of the children of French jihadists left in the Iraqi-Syrian zone. Henri Leclerc, honorary president of the League for Human Rights, is campaigning for France to return these young minors, while the government has already repeatedly swept the hypothesis of a collective repatriation.

"So far, 12 children have returned home, who were completely orphaned, we realized their scary health," said the lawyer at the microphone of Fabienne Le Moal Saturday, on Europe 1. But several hundred son and jihadist girls, some born in the Islamic State group's self-proclaimed caliphate, continue to wait in Kurdish camps. "Kids four years old are dying.They are not responsible for the faults of their parents, and France leaves them, I find it unbearable", annoyed Henri Leclerc.

"It's a problem of principle"

For its part, the government ensures treating this thorny issue case by case. "We do not see many cases", tackles Henri Leclerc, denouncing a lack of political will. "It's not a problem on a case-by-case basis, it's a problem of principle, there are 200 French children, maybe even more, who are in a very difficult situation, winter is coming ... They are under tents, the summer has already been awful and we get nothing, "he laments.

"I am convinced that France will be condemned [by international bodies such as the European Court of Human Rights, ed] to let children die, to allow children who are French to be treated in such conditions. completely incomprehensible ", denounces again Henri Leclerc.

"I do not understand that Mr. Le Drian [the Minister of Foreign Affairs, editor's note ], who is a very estimable man, says that he can not do anything, that is not true [...] I wonder if he can not do anything because Mr. Macron does not want to do anything, there is a real problem, let Mr. Macron take a stand! "

>> Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is the guest Sunday of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1 / CNews / Les Echos , from 10h to 11h

The French judicial and social system ready to welcome them?

The lawyer considers the French judicial system and child welfare services fully capable of handling such situations, however delicate they may be. "If the women are repatriated to France, we know that they will all go to jail, justice will take care of them.For children, everything is well organized: child welfare, especially that of Bobigny, the host families, because we will not give these children back to their families right away, everything is perfectly organized so that it happens in good conditions, "he says.