Teller Report

Yemeni rallies in the «million loyalty» to the coalition to support legitimacy

9/5/2019, 10:09:10 PM

Hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen's governorates staged mass demonstrations titled “Millionaire of Loyalty,” as part of the Saudi Arabia-led Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen's governorates staged mass protests titled “Millionaire of Loyalty,” as part of the day of loyalty to the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by Saudi Arabia.

The temporary capital Aden, thousands of people carrying flags and pictures of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, came to express thanks to the two countries for the liberated provinces since the launch of Operation Storm.

Tens of thousands of people from Lahj, Abyan and Dhali arrived in the capital, Aden, to revive the millions of loyalty to the Arab coalition to support legitimacy.

The demonstrations were attended by all categories of adults and children, carrying flags and pictures of the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to express their thanks to what they gave to the liberated provinces since the launch of Operation Storm.

The crowds from the province of Mahra, Shabwa and the rest of the Hadramaut valley have also arrived in Mukalla, the capital of Hadramaut, to participate in the million-loyalty coalition.

In Hadibo, the capital of the Socotra archipelago, a large march took place in which thousands of Al-Jazeera took part. It also hailed the role of the coalition in the war against Houthi militias in the fight against terrorism.

The march was attended by social figures, provincial officials, Socotra tribesmen, as well as civil society organizations on the island. There was also a women's march bearing the flags of the UAE, which had a significant development role in Socotra during the past years. The marking of #million_wafaa has swept the social networking site «Twitter», an expression of thanks and loyalty from the Yemeni people in the south to the leadership and the people of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for all the sacrifices made by the two countries.

The chirps expressed their loyalty to what the Arab Alliance had done to help Yemen.