Teller Report


9/5/2019, 12:11:59 AM

The example of what Pedro Sánchez tried to avoid when he led to failure his own investiture is the Madrid experiment. An agonizing government since its formation, full of a

The example of what Pedro Sánchez tried to avoid when he led to failure his own investiture is the Madrid experiment. An agonized government since its formation, full of internal antagonisms and contradictory aspirations, whose president did not appoint or expect loyalty from half of her cabinet. And in which one of the coaligated parties aspires at the same time to take a slice of power and wear down the partner / adversary as if it were still occupying the opposition checkpoint to continue destroying it, this time from within.

The followers of the National Geographic channel, that we have experienced so many emotions with the wildebeest migrations, we could explain this by saying that a relationship that should be symbiotic immediately led to another parasitic. It does not help the eternal return of corruption that suggests that this PP, which boldly tries to open a generational distance with the innumerable "isolated cases" of briggers, has the future built on the Indian cemetery of Spielberg . The beard that sprouted at Casado so as not to look so interchangeable with Rivera's seems suddenly that he had to leave it because the ghosts of corruption made him a poltergeist in the bathroom every time he tried to put the blade on his cheek of the disposable razor.

Given the precariousness of Casado, who needed as it was to present a hunting trophy in Madrid on which his own continuity depended in part, the PP had to hold on to this volatile and impossible to save government. In a similar situation, but with the most appeased party and, after all, with Moncloa already occupied by motion, Sanchez preferred to miss an opportunity that would have led him to live with hostile strangers as Ayuso does . All this can be understood. As it is also possible to understand all the paripés that must be done to fill these absurd days with content that will last until September 23. They are going to keep you awaiting a negotiation that does not exist: you better go to National Geographic, that wildebeest lives seriously. In this situation, only one thing can be asked so as not to continue inflicting institutional damage on the country: skip the queries of the King , do not subject him to ridicule again, because man has enough to have broken the neutrality to make a personal bet against repetition of the elections.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid
  • PP
  • Pedro Sanchez
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