Teller Report

Vox threatens to break all pacts with the PP in Murcia by the termination of a councilwoman

9/5/2019, 4:59:14 PM

A municipal crisis between PP and Vox in Puerto Lumbreras has extended to the autonomous area and jeopardizes the stability of the Government of the Region of Murcia and all ayunt

  • Politics: Fernando López Miras, president of Murcia with the vote of PP, Citizens and Vox

A municipal crisis between PP and Vox in Puerto Lumbreras has extended to the autonomous region and jeopardizes the stability of the Government of the Region of Murcia and all the municipalities where both forces govern together. Vox has threatened Thursday the PP and Citizens coalition Executive to leave him in a parliamentary minority for loss of confidence after the mayor of Puerto Lumbreras has ceased from his government team to a councilwoman of Vox "for requesting information on municipal contracts.

In the Region of Murcia, the PP and Ciudadanos govern together, after the agreement reached during the summer so that the popular Fernando López Miras was inaugurated president. Although Vox did not enter the regional government, its four seats are decisive in the legislature so that both parties can add an absolute majority and pass the laws. However, it is also true that with Vox's abstention they would also be guaranteed to carry out their projects, since PP (16) and Cs (6) add more than PSOE (17) and Podemos (2). In any of the cases PP-Cs need their complicity.

And that is what is in question right now. Vox has announced in a statement that the crisis opened in Puerto Lumbreras and "the response" given by the PP "will" lead to "rethinking the current government agreements that the two parties maintain" in the Region.

The trigger has been that the councilor of Public Works and Municipal Services, Immaculate Garcia , belonging to Vox, has been dismissed by the mayor of the PP of Puerto Lumbreras, María de los Ángeles Tunisia , for "requesting information on municipal contracts," according to Vox .

Vox explains that his councilor, who is the one who has to sign the invoices of contracts made between the town hall and private companies, has been verbally requesting the rest of the members of the municipal government team -all of the PP- and the city officials " about contracts and bill payment. " "Information that was systematically denied," the party underlines.

"Given these refusals, Inmaculada García submitted the request in writing through the City Council registry. The response of the popular mayor has been to cease it as a member of the municipal government team," says Vox, "without claiming reasons to justify such decision except for a brief allusion to 'loss of confidence'. "

The anger of Abascal's party in this situation is enormous. He has announced that he will "automatically go to the opposition" and that from there "he will continue to request the information that the government team is systematically denying and will denounce all kinds of attitudes, such as this one, that seek to hide the reality of municipal contracting.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Vox
  • PP
  • Citizens
  • We can
  • Tunisia
  • PSOE
  • Murcia
  • Fernando López Miras
  • Politics
  • European elections
  • Economic News Opinion

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