Teller Report

Kuznetsova visited a school for the children of the dead Syrian military in Damascus

9/5/2019, 9:50:02 PM

Ombudsman for Children in Russia Anna Kuznetsova visited the school for the children of the dead Syrian army soldiers in Damascus.

This is stated in the message published on the site of the Ombudsman.

It is noted that Kuznetsova looked at the conditions in which children live and study.

In turn, the head of the educational institution, Maryama Jamal, said that as part of the curriculum, the Russian language is studied at the school, and after lessons, children study in various circles and sections.

“These children have a very difficult fate, they all lost one or both parents, they witnessed terrible events. And therefore it is important that in these walls they find not only knowledge, but also the care that they lack so much. I am sure with this approach, these children will grow up as full-fledged members of society, real patriots of their country, ”said Kuznetsova.

Earlier, Kuznetsova met with Syrian President Bashar Assad.