Teller Report

His adversary and his enemy

9/5/2019, 12:11:41 AM

First was the illustration, the lights, Voltaire, Diderot, the thinkers; then, the commitment, the intellectuals; later, the new philosophers and, finally, the Tertullians

First was the illustration, the lights, Voltaire , Diderot , the thinkers; then, the commitment, the intellectuals; later, the new philosophers and, finally, the tertullians and hackers. Fernando Vallespín has explained how the Tertullians supplanted the intellectuals and gave them the lace. The opinion, the shout, the flash mob , the false news have taken over the political debate. As Shlomo Sand writes, in the new media bazaar the explosion of the image has changed the relationship of intellectuals with the media. "With his physique," he says, " Sartre wouldn't access any television today." And as a non-native digital would be unable to reduce existentialism to a title. Sartre himself announced the decline of his union: «For a long time I took the pen like a sword; Now I know our helplessness. Culture does not save anyone, but it is a product of man; man projects himself in it, recognizes himself ». A center striker, a cook, a chattel, a tweeter today has more media pull than an intellectual.

Ortega already said that in Spain it had always been difficult for there to have been and almost impossible for there to be no gatherings. They were parallel parliaments: Pombo coffee, El Henar Farm or Gijón. Tertullians were free in cafes; Now, almost free they start on the sets or in the radio studios. Lyon was called the Blue Bank because from there, like the Athenaeum, ministers came out and again, in the last elections, they have recruited deputies among the Tertullians. With the changes of government there is a changing of the guard of those who hit the peak and the purges begin; In addition, now, of the Tertullians, the tweeters have the competition. Podemos, who was born in a square and in a gathering, won the battle in the cloud. They were, and perhaps still are, the kings of the networks, who instead of militants to paste posters had cyber-activists, their leaders had thousands of followers. But they are losing hegemony. They feel slandered by organic hackers from Ferraz. In the Star Wars the fight is fierce; We can fight back with hard and old videos, like that in which Miguel Ángel Heredia , then a deputy of the PSOE, tells the Socialist Youth of Malaga: «Our adversary is the PP, but our enemy is Podemos. We have to attack the head of Podemos called Pablo Manuel Iglesias . By the way, fuck him a lot to be told Pablo Manuel because they want to be called Pablo Iglesias. That one must be shot permanently because it is not bad, it is worse; He hates the socialists.

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