Teller Report

Brexit: Boris Johnson's first campaign day turns to disaster

9/5/2019, 7:23:02 PM

Traveling to Yorkshire on Thursday, 5 September, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson saw his charm offensive turn into a Stations of the Cross.

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Boris Johnson's first campaign day did not go exactly as planned this Thursday, September 5th in West Yorkshire. Danny Lawson / PA Wire / Pool via REUTERS

Traveling to Yorkshire on Thursday, 5 September, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson saw his charm offensive turn into a Stations of the Cross.

With our correspondent in London, Muriel Delcroix

While traveling in West Yorkshire, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was eager to launch his election campaign, but as the day before everything seemed to gang up against him.

Surprisingly, his brother, Jo Johnson, announced earlier in the day that he was resigning from the government and would not run again as a Conservative MP. An extremely brutal blow publicly assaulted by this younger pro-European brother who says to throw in the towel because he does not think that Boris Johnson acts in the interest of the country by risking a Brexit without agreement. " If even his brother does not trust him, who can trust him ? Asked the political commentators in Westminster aloud.

Caught in the street

Meanwhile in West Yorkshire, Boris Johnson wanted to meet voters. But being a political personality a little "hair scratch", the leader quickly found himself in trouble, took part in the streets he visited. " You should be in Brussels negotiating instead of being here. In reality, you do not do anything, "he told the camera furiously.

As if that were not enough, the British Prime Minister's press briefing before young recruits of the police turned to disaster. Arrived with an hour and a half late, Boris Johnson improvised a speech completely disjointed. He who said he wanted to clarify his program for the country finally spoke only Brexit but to repeat again and again that the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn would surrender by asking for an extension in Brussels.

On the defensive against reporters, Boris Johnson will eventually launch that he would prefer "to burst open mouth rather than begging a postponement ." A cry of the heart that could have carried if a young policewoman standing behind him had then collapsed, visibly taken from an uneasiness by staying motionless, forcing the minister to abbreviate. Decidedly, nothing is going right now for Boris Johnson.

► See also: Brexit: nothing goes for Boris Johnson

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